Has anyone ever had their lungs collapse and still have WLSs??

Hi All, I've asked this question before and got no responses. I've also checked the library and there is nothing there, either. I want to know if anyone has had their lungs collapse before, and how surgery afterwards went? Both my lungs collapsed two years ago, and I have asthma. My main concern is making it thru the wls because a lot of people talk about breathing exercises to make their lungs strong. I don't have a consult with my surgeon until July and this is the one thing I can't seem to find an answer to. Any information to ease my mind is certainly welcome. Thank you.    — janetlynne69 (posted on March 26, 2001)

March 26, 2001
My right lung collapsed during surgery 16 years ago and it didn't interfere with my WLS. BUT, my lung collapse was because of a surgical injury. Asthma is a different issue. I would recommend talking with the pulmonologist that treats your asthma but special concerns that you should have related to the use of general anesthestia. I suspect you might be more prone to post-surgical pneumonia and that the anesthestiologist might need to watch you even more closely during surgery than someone without asthma. Anesthestia is one of the most hazardous parts of any surgery. You need to make sure that your pulmonologist and surgeon consult with each other before surgery.
   — Nanette T.

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