Does anyone know of any qualifications or cut offs as far as weight for the surgery

to be done lap or open. I am concerneed that in my waiting period I have gained too much weight. I am afraid to get on the scale. I have been out of control and know I have gained. I was supposed to loose weight to ensure I could ahve the lap. Any experiences, thoughts??? Thanks :)    — Julie C. (posted on February 14, 2001)

February 13, 2001
I have read that some surgeons have a limit of 300-350 lbs. for lap surgery. My surgeon specializes in laparascopic surgery and has performed this surgery on patients weighing 500-550 lbs. Longer instruments are required for heavier patients. Whether or not a patient would be a candidate for lap surgery would depend largely on the availability of the proper instruments and the experience/expertise of the surgeon. Good luck!!
   — Diana T.

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