Does anyone know of any support groups in CT or can we start one?

please email me with any information you may have at [email protected]    — marnie A. (posted on February 12, 2001)

November 30, 2001
There is a postop support group that meets once a month its in New Haven and run by Mark Gaynor 203.865.0865.
   — [Anonymous]

July 31, 2003
In Norwalk, Ct. thee are Pre-Op and Post-Op meetings, one a month for each, They meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month with Dr. Ralph Crumb. Call 203/852-2000 for further details. Also there are Pre-Op and Post-Op meetings and aPost-Op therapy group with Dr. Neil Floch. Cal 203/852-2600 for further details.
   — Susan B.

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