I am 4 weeks post op, and constantly lethargic, and tired?

I have returned to work and go about my daily life, but I am always tired, and people are noticing that I do not have the usual spunk I used to have? help    — judy G. (posted on January 29, 2001)

January 30, 2001
Be sure you are getting in all your protein, as well as your vitamin supplements. It's normal to feel this way at this stage, but if it continues, be sure to have your surgeon do your blood work-up. That will confirm any nutrient deficiencies.
   — Paula G.

January 30, 2001
Not to worry, I too was so worn out that I didn't think that I would ever make it through a full day of work. My Dr. assured me that within the next two weeks I would notice a marketable difference in my energy level- and I did. I know that eating "right" and takeing multi vitamins does the body good, but it takes your body some time to heal and ajust to what happend to it. Good Luck...
   — [Anonymous]

January 30, 2001
Oh gosh, I remember how that felt! Just awful! I was always soooooooo tired, my poor body felt like a steamroller had gone over it. Plus I was cold, and missing real food, and wanting pizza so bad! And taking care of a toddler on my own and working full-time. But ... it gets better! Much better! You just have to suck it up for a short while longer, make sure you get your vitamins in, get in the routine of taking care of yourself the way you need to now, and you will be okay. Not much longer ... and the hard part is done. Hope this helps.
   — Beth B.

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