I'm getting numb spots, any ideas as to why?

Hi all, I'm still pre-op, I'm 400# with a BMI of 54 (I'm tall). Lately I have been getting "numb spots" in different places. My right hand, the last two fingers are numb often. And a few days ago, on my right leg, the inside of my calf has been numb. I know it can be a circulation problem, but i want to rule out anything serious. I had to change pcp's and I don't like this new one. Every time I go see him, no matter what is wrong, it's because I'm fat. He makes me feel awful. Maybe someone out there has a pcp in Sacramento they can refer me to, also. Thanks in advance.    — janetlynne69 (posted on January 21, 2001)

January 21, 2001
I'm answering more to what you said about your PCP. You need to point blank tell him how uncomfortable he is making you feel, and that if he doesn't think he can treat you without being bias to your weight, maybe you would need to find someone else. I had to do this with my new family doctor when we moved. He was real into "diet and excercise". I finally told him that if he couldn't be supportive in my decisions as a patient than it wouldn't phase me to find a doctor who could. He actually wasn't aware of how he had made me feel, and after that was more careful with what and how he say's things, and is willing to "listen" more. Maybe your doctor isn't aware of how he's making you feel. As Patients, we have a RIGHT to be heard and not made to feel like we need to be passive and "just let them do their job". This topic is sorta touchy with me, so sorry if I sounded too "mean" hehehe.. Hope this helps.
   — T B.

April 25, 2001
I have Multiple Sclerosis, the remitting-relapsing type. When I have a flare-up, I get numb. Each flare-up is different however I usually always get numbness from my waist down. Then the numbness turns to a tight feeling. Feels like my legs are wrapped really tight. Sometimes I have numbness on my face, or an arm. Lasts about 3 mths then goes, unless the flare-up is really bad, if the tightness begins to affect how I walk, then I have to go into the hosp for a week of IV steroids which throws me back into remission. I'm not saying that is what you have, but they way your numbness goes to different body parts sounds very much like MS. Carpal Tunnel I don't believe would go to your legs like that.
   — Karla K.

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