What is the deal with the water? What purpose does it have on the body ?

Do you lose weight faster?    — Antoinette P. (posted on January 8, 2001)

January 7, 2001
hello, Your body is made up of bout 2/3 water(don't quote me on this) If you don't drink it you get dehydrated. Water has many purposes 1) it cleans your body from many impurties and toxic. It helps your kidneys to work better and it helps with the weightloss. I am a vivid water drinker loved it before surgery and after. I can't seem to get enough. I prefer it over any other drink.
   — Sharon T.

January 8, 2001
It hydrates the organs & bones, then the skin. That stuff on your tongue & eyeballs? Water. It runs all your sustems, flushes, sorts and otherwise "manages". It prioritizes how it will manage you, so if you don't get enough, wt loss is the very last priority. I mamaged to gain 5# in the first week after surgery because I was doing so poorly with my water. Get too little long enough, and the kindey stones and other problems start. It isn't worth it to dink around with it. Crystal Light counts as water, as does sugar free Tang. 64 oz MINIMUM to hydrate your systems and have enough left over for wt loss. Then, when you plateau, more, more, more. NO such thing as too much water!
   — vitalady

January 8, 2001
There IS "such a thing as too much water." I've known people who have consumed so much water that it flushed all the "salt" out of their body! This is not a good thing. However, it takes ALOT to do that. Too much of ANYTHING is not good. Like they say, "everything in MODERATION." Drink the amount of water your SURGEON suggests and I'm sure you'll be just fine and see the benefits of it as well!
   — CHaTTy C.

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