The left side under my ribs is tender to touch and there is an indention
in the incisional line(like its being pulled in)this is new. Also when i cough it hurts near this incisional site indention and to the left side under my rib cage. I dont see any bulging when i cough. No problems thus far with bowel movements. Do you think i have a hernia or what. I have been taking prevacid for a month for the tenderness the indention is new. Ill call doc on monday but just wanted to know if anyone ever had such a thing happen? — kcraig (posted on December 9, 2000)
December 9, 2000
My surgeon told me that the indentation were deep inside sutures and I too
had pain on left at top of my incession, below ribcage. My surgery was open
(from belly button to stirnum) I was told it was where the muscles were
stitched and that I may have pain for up to three month. My pain did not
occur until I started sleeping in bed and rolling around, thus pulling on
my stomach muscles. The pain spread a little all over after returning to
work, but has improved. I am now 9 weeks post-op and the pain is getting
better by the day. Please still check with your Surgeon, because it may be
something completly different, especially if you did not have your surgery
open. Good luck. Gayle :O)
— MeGayle
December 9, 2000
If you had RNY, that is the location of your new pouch. (just thought you
might want to know this)
— Cindy H.
December 9, 2000
If you had your gallbladder out, it could still be painful in that area.
I had my gallbladder out and I was told they retract a rib
to get to it and it would be sore longer than the actual incision
was- and it was! I am 10 1/2 months out and while it took
a while, the pain DID diminish and go away. If in doubt, though-
definitely call your surgeon- it is what you pay him for:)
— M B.
December 10, 2000
My Dr. warned me that this would likely be the most sensitive area, as the
area of the longest lasting pain, as this is where they use the biggest
retractor and have to move stuff the furthest....basically it's very deep
brusing. It should get better soon. I think by about 4 weeks, I wasn't in
much pain...unless I somehow bumped myself. By 6 weeks, I noticed that
pain was 99.9% gone.
— tlg6056
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