Do I need to have Cobra coverage to aviod a one month lapse?
My husband is starting a new job next week. Our current insurance (United Healthcare) would not cover the surgery due to an employer exclusion. My husband's new job offers Aetna USHC and United Healthcare. Will there be some sort of waiting period? Also, if I don't buy Cobra, will they still approve if there is a lapse in my insurance? — [Anonymous] (posted on October 11, 2000)
October 11, 2000
I do not know if there will be a lapse but since you are switching jobs I
would call his human resources dept. and find out about pre existing
conditions. If it were me I would sign up with his new insurance and wait
30 days and apply. United Heathcare across the board has exclusions. I know
some who have appealed and were approved but not many. I hope you chose
Aetna. Cobra will allow you to remain insured so I would check before
opting out of Cobra. I got my sugery with my Cobra coverage. Good Luck
— Courtrina Amur W.
October 11, 2000
You have 63 days to get a new policy after the old one stops. If you stick
within that 63 day limit, the new insurance company is not allowed to
impose pre-existing condition exclusions on you. Here is a link that
explains the federal law called HIPAA.
Hope this helps.
— Lynn K.
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