Does Alcohol have twice the effect post op?

Pre-op when I drank alcohol, I could get real buzzed off of 3-4 sips.(cheap date huh?)But I heard post op it can be twice the effect. Is this true? Maybe I'll just have to "sniff" beer from now on. Rats! LOL    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 9, 2000)

September 11, 2000
I went to a wedding reception last weekend with the intention of trying alcohol for the first time since my surgery (5 months postop). Well, I took one sip of champagne and I felt all warm and fuzzy (a little buzzed I think). I didn't drink any more because it was already so hot in that place I figured alcohol would only make me hotter. I've decided not to take more than a sip or two of alcohol's nothing but empty calories and my body has a lot more use for water.
   — Kellie L.

October 15, 2001
The reason alcohol has an increased effect is because the stomach is smaller and the alcohol empties into the small intestines quicker therefore is absorbed my the body quicker, thus making you feel a buzz or get drunk quicker!
   — Ronnie C.

May 22, 2002
it doesnt bother me in the least i wasnt a drinker before surgery and still not i try some every once and awhile and never got a buzz even after 2 beers
   — jason M.

May 22, 2002
I was a cheap date pre-op, too. Now I get buzzed even quicker, but it goes away pretty fast. Hard for me to maintain a pleasant buzz, so I only drink when I am dedicated to it ;)
   — M. A. B.

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