Wrinkles - What to do?

I'll be 40 next month, 5 months post-op and have lost 85 pounds. I've noticed (and friends) that I'm starting to get a lot of wrinkles on my face and neck. Does anyone know of a good lotion or something that will help this (I already use Oil of Olay everyday)? I get plenty of protein and water in everyday and I don't really care what my body looks like under my clothes, but I can't take getting the wrinkles where you can see them. Help me, I'm desperate.    — Gayle G. (posted on August 13, 2000)

August 13, 2000
Try a vitiman c treatment. (for the skin, not a pill) If you want more info on them let me know. Pokie [email protected]
   — Michael (pokie) F.

August 14, 2000
Hi Gayle, I hate to break this to you but there probably isn't much you can do about the wrinkles. The fat in your face and neck basically filled the wrinkles out and now that the fat is gone the wrinkles will show. The skin on your face and neck might tighten up a little bit over time (as the rest of your skin will) but I wouldn't expect too much. Beware of people trying to sell you products. The only over-the-counter products I've ever heard of that helps wrinkles is alpha hydroxy. You might check with your doctor for a prescription treatment.
   — Kellie L.

August 14, 2000
I'm 10 months postop & down 160 pounds. My neck wrinkles are so bad my nickname could be "turtle boy". I have wrinkles on my posterior too, and my wife calls me "elephant butt"; not for size, but for all the extra skin. She wants me to add that she wouldn't have it any other way. <grin>
   — blank first name B.

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