Blood sugar count 131 will I be turned down?

Hi, I had my consultation on Thursday, June 29,2000. On Friday the Dr.'s office called the insurance company for approval. The insurance company said that they need a copy of my last blood sugar result. On Monday, 7-3-2000, I called my doctor to see what it was. He informed me that was 131. I know that 80-120 is what it should normally be, but I'm wondering if it is too low to get approved. I am over 100lbs overweight with a few other co-morbidities. I live in Philadelphia, PA and have b/c b/s personal choice insurance. Well even though it is the holiday, I have to go to work. I hope that everyone enjoys theirs.    — Debbie C. (posted on July 4, 2000)

July 3, 2000
I have b/c b/s ppo. I called then and they told me that I have to be 2 times my ideal body weight for my frame and have tried a supervised diet program(ie. Weight Watchers). I suggest you call your insurance and find out their requirements.
   — Amy A.

July 4, 2000
I have b/c b/s ppo. I called then and they told me that I have to be 2 times my ideal body weight for my frame and have tried a supervised diet program(ie. Weight Watchers). I suggest you call your insurance and find out their requirements.
   — Amy A.

July 4, 2000
Debbie, You didn't say if that sugar reading was with or without medication. When I was pre-op, my readings ran at least that high WITH oral hypoglycemic meds. My blood sugar ran so consistantly high that I actually got "shakey" if/when they dropped to within the normal range. Since my wls, my meds have been lowered to less than half of what I was taking pre-op and I no longer take any high blood pressure meds at all. I'm hoping that as I lose more weight, ALL of my meds will be completely dropped and I can control my diabetes with diet alone. In my humble opinion, that reading along with your excess 100lbs and your other co-morbidities should give you a good shot at approval. Good luck, sweetie, and God bless. Keep us informed. cj
   — cj T.

July 4, 2000
Debbie, I too, have BC/BS PPO. My normal reading is usually 120-135 (approximately) and I was approved. I believe your reading has to be more that just slightly elevated to be turned down. My sugar was in the high 400's (bad times) but with oral medications and a sugar/carb free diet I'm able to be in the norm. Good luck to you! *HUGS* Jay
   — Jason B.

July 4, 2000
Hi Debbie I had my surgery in Philadelphia with Dr. Colberg. My understanding is Personal Choice will approve as long as your BMI is over 40. I think you will be fine. If you are interested I participate in a local support group. Drop me a line at [email protected]
   — Marjie W.

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