Has anyone read this book?

"Living a Lighter Lifestyle: A Guide to Successful Weight Loss and Maintenance Following Gastroplasty an Gastric Bypass". (I'm not kidding; that is the name of it.) It is by Dr. Gaye Andrews.    — Linda L. (posted on June 27, 2000)

June 27, 2000
Yes I've got the book. I thought it was very informative - good reading.
   — VickyTaylor

June 27, 2000
i purchased the book. I thought it was very informative also. I keep it by my bed for any questions I may have or reminders I may need for my new lifestyle.
   — twenc

June 27, 2000
Yes, I have it, and I think it's excellent. It gives very practical information, not only for you but for family members as well. It's well worth the money.
   — Paula G.

June 28, 2000
Yes, I have this book. In fact, Dr. Andrews facilitates the support group for my surgeon, Dr. Stanley Klein.
   — Debbie D.

June 28, 2000
Yes, I have read it and I have it. It is very informative. This is the only after care advice my Dr. gave me. Kim
   — Kim N.

June 28, 2000
I am in the process of reading it. It is a "must read" and a "must have" book.
   — blank first name B.

June 28, 2000
Yes, I have. So far, this has been the bes source of information for me, aside from the internet. Any questions?
   — Lori T.

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