Has any one been obesessing about their body after WLS?

I feel really weird posting this but I need some feed back. You guys probably will guess my identity once you hear my problem/concern. I am about 5 months post op and lost 56 lbs. I am a size 16/18 now and I wanna lose more weight. I have been going through some weird stuff lately and I wanna know if anyone is going through the same thing. Some may call it "self destruction" or "self mutilation" I have been obsessing on my looks. It started out small, mirror gazing, getting my nails done, buying new clothes, plucking my eyebrows and eventually ending up more extreme, 3 body piercings and I am now considering a tattoo. I regret the last piercing not because of the pain, but because I realized that the obsession is overpowering me and I am losing control. I know that I should probably seek conseling before it gets worse. Has anyone gone through the same? Is it just a phase? Any consequences on your actions? Thanks in advance.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 7, 2000)

May 7, 2000
Okay, first of is not me but could be :) I am getting a tattoo Ronda, and I will just have to hide it from you I guess...LOL. Also, the more I lose the more unhappy I am with what is left. I get excited at the things I can do now but I also notice evey single flaw and don't seem to be able to get that under control. I want perfection. I was no where near perfect at 322, but now weighing in at 207, I don't think I can rest until I am as close as humanly possible. I guess this is not an answer at all but at least I can sympathize with what you are saying and hope that you can get to feeling better about yourself and what is going on in your life. I think it just takes some time to adjust to being a new person. Or the same person with such a new outlook. Smile girlie!
   — S S.

May 8, 2000
I agree with Ava, you need to talk with a counselor. I am about 4 months out and have started thinking about self-destructive behavior- which scares me. For me, obesity has been my protection against many abuses to me, starting with my childhood. Losing my protection has caused me to become scared of things I wouldn't have thought twice about before. My counselor has been wonderful in helping me sort out my triggers and negative thoughts and behavior. I think many of us feel that we don't deserve to be happy, thinner, healthier, or even to have a good life. We have been programed by either dysfunctional families or friends or society that we don't deserve these things, and when we start achieving them, we can self distruct and fail. Good luck! You will make it through this!
   — [Anonymous]

May 8, 2000
I personally don't think you have what would be considered "self destructive" behavior. I think you are exeperiencing a "new" person and what you are doing is trying on a new persona for yourself. I have had my nose pierced, I have a tattoo and plan on getting my belly button pierced as soon as I get my tummy tuck, but these are all things that I have wanted to do even when I was fat. I didn't go through what you are going through, per say, but I did go through this phase of uncontrollable spending. I realized that instead of eating to console my compulsion for food, I was redirecting it in other ways...SPENDING! It was getting to the point of compulsive spending with me and when I realized that I was substituting one compulsion for another it scared me and I was able to stop it before it became too out of control. I guess, in some ways you may need to see a counselor, but if you can get it under control without the aid of a professional that would be good. If you feel that it's so bad you need help, then don't be afraid to ask for it. I think we all go through some sort of phase like this and that experiencing a whole new life outside of our old bodies is exciting and thrilling. Enjoy your new self but just be careful...Good Luck to you...
   — Marni

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