I just tried to access my file and it is gone. Has this happened to anyone else ?

   — Barbara T. (posted on April 14, 2000)

April 14, 2000
Yes a few months back I went to update my profile page and all my "words of wisdom" were gone...Eric never did figure out what I just started off at that spot in my recovery process.....not much can be done except start over......
   — pam.leach

April 14, 2000
Weird things happen with all websites occasionally, errors in programs, programing, servers, or even the dreaded hackers. PC users protect your information by saving your data on your "Hard Drive" as a word file. Web TV users print it out save it so you will have it if you have to ever reenter the information... Sorry you lost your file.. I learned a valuable lesson long ago to back up everything. ;-)
   — Victoria B.

September 14, 2001
A good thing to do for that I have found is to Right click on your profile, and go to "view Source". Copy that as a Wordpad Document. it is all of the HTML, and everything from your profile. Do daily backups if you Post alot, or weekly, or monthly depending on the amount of Posts you have. save it to your HDD, and then you can easily cut, and paste it back into another Profile you creat for yourself. It is just that easy!
   — sbinkerd1

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