Any info. on pregnancy after gastric bypass surgery?

Has there been any information about pregnancy RIGHT after surgery. I was told 5 yrs. ago that I could never have children, yet got pregnant 3 mos. after surgery and am very concerned for the baby.    — Judy B. (posted on March 12, 2000)

March 12, 2000
Wow...this quite a situation! First off..Why were you told you couldn't have kids?? Was it totally weight related?? I've seen it advised by many surgeons that unless you are a woman that is past child bearing age or you've had a hysterectomy that you have to be on birth control for at least the first year postop. Like one of the other postings here, I agree that you need to get in touch with your surgeon ASAP and then you guys need to get together with an OB. This is incredibly serious. I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but my surgeon told me that if I got pregnant within the first year that the baby probably would not make it due to lack of nutrition. There just isn't enough to go around for you and a baby that first year. I had a friend who got pg at 4 mos postop and lost the baby at 20 weeks. But on the up side.. I know of one or two women who got pg within the first year postop and had the babies fine. Just not sure if they were closer to the one year mark or not. I wish I remembered who they were so you could contact them. Please, don't wait...the sooner you address this, the better. Good luck and God bless.
   — Traci H.

April 3, 2001
The same happened to me. I got pregnant 2mos post op. I am now 30wks pregnant. All went well at first but now I am having problems with nausea and diarrhea constantly. My OB was slow to react since the baby has not yet shown any ill effects but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. She's finally taking it more seriously and I have to go in today to see her. Just be careful with your choice for an OB doc. Make sure they understand your procedure, the malabsorption and all of the other factors that can affect your baby's growth!!
   — Ann S.

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