For the post ops: Do you and your farts smell foul because of the surgery?
Please tell me about your experiences along with the type of surgery (prox or dist). Is there any way to control it? Thank you in advance. — [Anonymous] (posted on January 11, 2000)
January 11, 2000
I am 8 weeks post op with proximal RNY. I can sympathize withyour problem.
I have the sam, however, I knew prior to surgery that probably would be a
problem. I have more problems if I eat too fast ( taking in too much air)
and if I eat spicy foods or sauces. Some soups with vegetables and or rice
will cause me problems. If I stay with plain meat, eggs, fish it will not
bother me. Try to identify what you are eating that may be making the
problem worse. Also see if you can find a time 'alone" lie on your
side and draw your knees up and you can expel a lot of gas and then your
days at work or in social situations will be more manageable. Good Luck.
Sharon Vest
— Sharon V.
January 11, 2000
Zinc will help with maloderous gas. Add 50 to 100 mg of zinc to your
suppliment program.
— Roseann M.
January 12, 2000
Well, i don't know about the foulness, but I can voch for the fact that I
am producing enough gas to possibly light or power a small city
somewhere... at first i was alarmed, but the Dr. says it's not abnormal
and that time will again be the mediating factor in this one. I can
believe those is such a relief to get in the car or to
someplace private and really be able to let one rip... at work I have to
exercise terrific control (open office) or run to the bathroom alot. The
odor has not been extraordinarily foul, just, well, gassy. I suspect
foulest odors will be caused by those eating a really high level of vegetal
material, which produces nature's foulest gases during decay/digestion.
— Peter W.
January 22, 2000
I had a biliopancreatic division (duodenal switch)and when I break
wind...well I tell people not to walk behind me :O) lol
— Laurie B.
July 22, 2007
HELLO, when does a fart not smell foul. Can I get an AMEN!
— AmpleH
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