How do I keep my stomach from stretching out, and how do I know if it's happening?

   — Rod G. (posted on November 28, 1999)

November 28, 1999
Don't graze. Eat your meal, put the dish away. Eat your meal, put the dish away. Don't leave a box of crackers on your deck. Get some out, put the box away. Don't drink with meals. Drink up til you eat, then eat, then wait a half hour before drinking. Grazing and drinking with meals can stretch your pouch. When you do these, you dont' feel full or feel empty, so you never feel satisifed. That itch isn't scratched. Eat your 5o or 6 small meals a day, but put some space between 'em. Then you feel full, then you feel empty. And then you feel satisifed, which is what you're after, right?
   — vitalady

December 1, 1999
Thank you Michelle! I sometimes need to be reminded of this and I'm 5 years post-op!!! (as you know!) I still have a tendency to try to drink with meals, even though I've just had a revision and had a stretched pouch from drinking and eating at the same time before! For me though .. what happens if I drink and eat at the same time, is that I get full TOO fast, and I don't get the nutrition I needed in that meal, I only get a tiny bit and coffee!
   — Sherrie G.

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