Are there any certified Doctors in Tampa, FL that perform the fobi pouch proceedure?
— Darcy T. (posted on August 11, 1999)
August 11, 1999
I don't believe there are any physicians in the Southeast performing the
Fobi pouch. Dr. Rutledge at the U of North Carolina performs the
"mini gastric bypass" similar to the RNY. Every other physician
in the SE primarily perform the VBG and RNY. Diane
— Diane N.
August 11, 1999
Hi ... I don't know of any Doctors in Tampa, but it might be worth your
while to check out Dr. Norman Samuels in Fort Lauderdale, He does a
procedure, that he describes to be "Quite similar" to the Fobi
Pouch, I'm not a doctor so I can't explain what if any difference there is
in what he does, and Fobi does. If you'd like more info, drop me a line.
— Sherrie G.
August 12, 1999
Yes there is a doctor in Tampa who does this surgery. His name is Dr.
Michel M. Murr, M.D. His phone number is 813-251-7393. He is affiliated
with Tampa General and the USF Physicians Group.
There is also a monthly support group meeting which meets the fourth
Tuesday of every month. They have just moved the meeting from the main
building of Tampa General to the rehabilitation center behind Tampa
General. Please call Dr. Murr's office and ask for Martha Entel. She can
send you the flyer that she sent us about the new location.
Please come to the meeting. You will meet people who have had the surgery
and people who are planning to. I am scheduled for 10/29/99.
Joe Wlodynski
— Joe W.
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