Can Celebrex be taken pre-op as a substitute for NSAID arthritis drugs?

Hi all, I have painful arthritis in my knees and ankles, and so was anxious about giving up all anti-inflammatory medication. My surgery is scheduled for September 11 and I have been instructed to stop taking them immediately. My pcp suggested Celebrex instead. I don't see my surgeon again for several weeks. Anyone know if Celebrex is OK for me to take now? Thanks!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 6, 1999)

July 6, 1999
hi....i went through a really painful time before surgery because i had to stop taking motrin....after the surgery when my narcotics were done i i could not take 800mg of motrin 3x a stomach would not tolerate it.....i started on CELEBREX then and it was amazing how much pain relief i got....i read the medication and one of the indications for use was preop..... so talk with your doc....i wish i had known about celebrex before my surgery!!!!!
   — LINDA L.

July 6, 1999
Your best bet to be sure is to call your pharmacy. He will know. I just called mine a couple hours ago to check on all of my medicine. Good on the 11th. Hugs, Edie [email protected] Open RNY Surgery Date: July 27, 1999 Dr. Baker/Little Rock, Arkansas "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart." Helen Keller
   — Edie L.

July 6, 1999
I use plaquenil. It doesn't hurt my stomach. It actually makes a measurable difference!
   — vitalady

July 6, 1999
GOOD Question .. and one I'm also interested in knowing the answer to ... I am taking it and not having any trouble .. but is it okay for the long haul? I dunno .. and would like to :)
   — Sherrie G.

July 6, 1999
My surgeon, Dr. Schechner, is not comfortable with his patients taking Celebrex without Zantac or something similar. There was some paper available at the bariatric convention in San Diego (or wherever it was). I'd give you more info, but I haven't seen the paper yet. Our support group facilitator keeps forgetting to bring it.
   — Peggy51

July 9, 1999
Yes. Celebrex will help your arthritis and doesn't have the side effects of other anti-inflamatory. So you can take it before surgery.
   — Joseph A.

March 1, 2001
My surgeon prescribed Celebrex for post op pain. It works wonderfully.
   — corpdiva2006

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