What's the long-term success of banded vs non-banded, can I choose this option?

   — Barbara H. (posted on June 9, 1999)

June 9, 1999
With banded also called VBG it is not as successful. It has a 50/60% failure rate. Where as other surgeries have a 10/20% failure rate. Good luck, Allison
   — Allison Mupas

January 23, 2002
I had the banded vbg on 11/08. I consider my surgery a sucess already as I have lost 52 1/2 pounds and am already half way to my goal. My pain level was about a 7 (from 1-10) for about 6 days. I would have this surgery again.
   — Sherrie W.

April 2, 2002
Banding is the same as stapling, it limits the intake of food but not what food you put in. you can easily eat 1/2 cup hagan daz at 300 calories 6 times a day and gain weight. the ryn bypasses a small portion of the intestines the part that processes sugars and carbs and has an ill effect when you put them in; but only temporarily your body figures out what has happened and readjusts in most people, so your able to eat small amounts. I hope this helps.
   — meechi33823

April 2, 2002
Wghich band? VBG, LAP BAND? Fobi pouch ome call a band...
   — bob-haller

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