Anyone have any advice for some filling

Lord have mercy! Im 4 days post-op and realized that the feeling im having isnt sickness, its HUNGER! Anyone have any suggestions for "full liquids" other than cream soups, protein shakes and soupy cream of wheat? Also, i notice that when i drink clear liquids, it makes me feel weird, almost gassy. Any comments?    — TiffanyG327 (posted on July 31, 2005)

July 31, 2005
Assuming that your surgeon has given you the o.k. to consume more and denser liquids, you might want to try some of the thicker protein shakes (Champion Pure Whey from Vitalady is my favorite). I would avoid anything that was high in carbohydrates because, even though you may want to get that sense of "fullness" that some creamed soups may give, those that contain starch as a thickenner will undermine your utlimate weight-loss. However, with any suggestions for different liquids, please keep in mind that at four days out, you need to follow your surgeon's guidelines explicitly, recognizing that your pouch and digestive system need weeks to fully heal and that early-on you have a great opportunity to lessen the hold that food may have in your life. Many people (myself included) felt an odd sensation after putting anything in our new pouches-- although it feels like "hunger", in many instances it is just the stimulus caused by the pouch having to do some work (which sends some confused signals to the brain because of the trauma your system experienced from the surgery). This healing process tends to impede many patients' ability to accurately sense (or even feel) hunger for the first 4-6 months. But, we are all different; however, the sensations are difficult to differentiate, so please tread cautiously. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

July 31, 2005
I was not "hungry" until at least 6 -8 months out. I would check with your Dr. What kind of liquids are you drinking? Remember your pouch is healing and they way they explained it to me was the it had to heal and we had to be careful what we put inside. In fact it was hard for me to remember to eat...I didn't have an appetite and the first 6 months is when I lost 100 pounds. Try and remember to get the liquids in so you don't get will feel sick if you get dehydrated. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — Michelle S.

July 31, 2005
Tiffany, Like Steve Said, All Doc's are different & being 4 days out you are still healing after major surgury. Do what you Doc has said to you. When you are allowed to eat soft foods try refreid beans with some grated chees on them They will fill you and give you that full feeling. They were my life saver in the beginning stages of this journey. You will start feeling better every day you get farther out & the weigh will start falling as well. Hang in There, you will get trough this quickly & be on food soon. By the way everything will taste different anyway, so just take it one day at a time. Champion Whey Protein Drinks are the best out there & the best tasting. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

July 31, 2005
My doctor let me have HOT and SOUR soup from the Best Chinese restaurant in town. That was a life saver as well as a mind saver. Really got me through the worst times and even after 18 months post op I still eat it two or three times a week. Hot and Sour soup Works wonders. Find a GOOD Chinese Restaurant, remove the ToFu and chicken and other solid stuff and just drink the soup and you will feel so full and satisfied. Just remember to drink it slow. ENJOY!!
   — cindirella

August 1, 2005
When I first had surgery, I took ricotta cheese (about 2 T of it and added spaghetti sauce and microwaved it. It was very good!
   — Rita B.

August 1, 2005
I wonder if what you are feeling is real "Hunger" or "Mental Hungar"? This a problem with allot of WLS Patients. You are going through a very stressfull time right now and what did you always do for stress before surgery? I ate! You might call your Doctor and ask him what his program allows you to eat right now. You might ask him about "Mental Hunger" also.
   — jk_harris

August 3, 2005
In my humble but perhaps not right opinion, you may indeed be hungery! After all, our bodies were use to us STUFFING it. However, you can NOT eat now! It is'nt good for your surgery. It must heal first!!! What I did, was to live on the bomb pop jrs I got from Schwans. I did'nt have any luck finding sugar free ice pops. If you can find sugar free, that is the way to go. But the cold ice felt sooooooo good on my stomach. And the occassionaly chewing of the ice pops helped me phychologically with the need to CHEW. It got me through the first 7 days of liquid. Perhaps it would help you. Give it a try anyway.
   — Danmark

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