is anyone having a tightnes feeling in right side?

im 6 months out and have a tightness feeling in my right side just under the rib cage is this normal? It doesnt hurt, it just feels like it tightens up and releases all the time.or like if your a woman that had children, i could describe it like a baby moving in me on the right side sometimes ( im not pregnant).    — marshaslates (posted on June 7, 2005)

June 7, 2005
Hi Marsha, I do know exactly what you are feeling. I get it too. I believe its gas. I can feel it tighten a few times and then my tummy rumbles or I can feel it moving on. I enjoy the feeling I think because I really enjoyed being pregnant and that is exactly what it feels like. GREAT description. Hope this helps. God Bless. Sonja Lima San Diego, CA (open RNY 9/9/04-334/282/171 ~goal 150)
   — Son-Son

June 8, 2005
Not sure exactly what type of pain it is but if it comes and goes it's probably hope this helps... Tanya.
   — Tanya G.

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