What have you done about low iron levels?
My iron level was found to be at 3 just three weeks ago. It is now a 4, but I have been taking a chewable iron tablet twice a day and drinking an iron supplement twice a day. I am not feeling any better. I am still very tired and unable to focus on what I need to get done. I feel like I am in a fog all the time and I don't like it. I have heard that you can do iv treatment to improve it. Has anyone ever experienced this? What can I expect? The doctor wants me to continue the supplement type of therapy, but I just want to be better right now, and then try to maintain it with the supplement therapy. I am two small children and can't keep up anymore. I am two and a half years out from the surgery. My iron level was a 9 in May last year and just kept falling. — newfben (posted on May 5, 2005)
May 4, 2005
My iron is extremely low, as well. My Dr. put me on 1000 mg of iron per
day, taken with Vitamin C, to help it absorb. Lack of iron can also mask
other symptoms, so you should check with and follow your Dr.'s advice on
this. My lack of iron led to the discovery of a tumor that needed to be
removed. While this isn't the norm and I don't want you to think of such
drastic answers, I do want you to look at the whole picture. An
alternative for those of us who cannot absorb iron, is iron shots every
— Dhelynn
May 5, 2005
You need to talk to the folks over at the Grads List! Here's the link to
These folks know more than most doctors about iron, supplements, protein,
etc. It's like going to WLS university just hanging out over there!
— Dina McBride
May 5, 2005
Michelle: I'm no expert on iron or anything, but I'll tell you what I've
heard a number of other posters say about the type of iron we should use.
"Carbonyl" is the name of it, and it seems to be the most
absorbable form for us post-ops. You didn't mention what form you are
using, but I'd check that out. I buy mine from, it's her own
brand. I take 2 tablets at night before bedtime with my Vit C. Also, have
you checked your B-vitamin levels? And are you getting in plenty of
protein? Low protein and B levels could also cause you to feel tired.
— Carlita
May 5, 2005
I can not believe you are even breathing at a hemoglobin of 3. I was at 7
and my PCP called me and told me to not exhert myself what so ever and to
go directly to the ER if I had any dizziness, shortness of breath or heart
palpatations. Your heart is working overtime with that little bit of oxygen
in your blood cells. I had to see a hematologist to have iron infusions by
IV. I had two and I feel so much better now. I would think they would be
talking blood transfusions and ASAP with that low level.
Do take carbonyl iron with Vitamin C. My hematologist said I could
continue taking 3 iron pills a day and it might get to a normal level in
6months or take the iron infusion and get it up to normal in 6 to 8 weeks.
I also did not have the constipation with the IV's. You need to make sure
your insurance covers it, because it is very expensive.
I will say the culprit of my anemia is female related and will be having a
hysterectomy in June. Don't fool around with this, you could be doing
damage to your heart and kidneys. Don't mean to sound alarming, but it
isn't anything to wait and see about.
— D. K.
May 5, 2005
Sounds to me like it is your red blood count that is low, not your iron or
hematocrit. If you had a hematocrit of 3, you would be scarcely able to
lift your head off the pillow. They are usually seen in nearly dead trauma
patients that have bled out all of their blood. If your red blood count is
3, then yes, that is low, but not on deaths door. Out of curiosity, have
you had your B12 checked? Seems to me that B12 and anemia go hand in
hand... just a word of advice.
— Fireweed
May 5, 2005
I was 3-yrs post op in February. For the past year I have been suffering
with low iron (it was at a 4 (Ferritin) and my RBC (red blood cells) was at
8) just last week. I am starting with my fourth round of IV-iron (Venofer).
I get this administered via IV 3 times week for a month. I went feeling
pretty good for about 8 weeks last time and then the levels dropped back
Venofer injections are easy to get and only take about 30 minutes to
administer. Luckily my insurance covers it but last year, when I was using
Medicare, it only paid for part of them and then the rest no. (it was about
$350 each time). The gastro. doctor I saw said that my surgery makes iron
absorption impossible (not even liquid iron would help) and that I need the
I don't like this solution. I've tried tons of ALL types of iron
supplements and cannot keep my levels up. I've added red meat to my diet
(yuk), in addition to my usual chicken, turkey, fish and green veggies. I
drink a liquid vit. C powder each day plus the other vitamins. I try to
find all the vitamins that are liquid jells instead of hard pills because I
figure I can absorb them better. I have also been taking alfalfa
supplements as one other vegetarian
wls patient and she was able to keep her iron up with that.
This is very discouraging!! Get to your doctor---last year they kept at
that low RBC and Ferritin level for almost 2 months until I brought in my
surgery report (got it from the hospital) and showed it to the hemotologist
and told him that the iron-absorbing part of my intestine had been snipped.
He immediately okayed the iv-iron.
— Patti M.
May 6, 2005
Michelle, I have had a bout with low iron and ferritin levels. My RBC was
at 6 which is a VERY dangerous level to deal with! I'm surprised your
doctor isn't telling you more about the damage that can do to you AND what
he can do or put you thru to get past it faster! I had to have a 4 pint
blood transfusion at the end of December and because my ferritin level was
at 2 I'm not sure you know this and don't want to scare you about it, but
at such a low level you CAN go into conjestive heart failure! Don't play
with what iron you should take because as a bypass patient it will take
your body OVER 6 months to START taking in SOME of the iron we take! Ask
your doctor immediately about iron IVs. They don't hurt but within 2 weeks
of me getting them all my levels were back in normal ranges! And if you
are one to have your "monthly" heavily come around then get that
checked out too! I did and THAT was the culprit of my iron problems which
just caused me to have to have a total hysterectomy! Good luck!
— Carole M.
May 6, 2005
My doctor sent me to a hemotologist, as well. Before the Iron IV, he
wanted to try Hemocyte Plus, which is a prescription medicine. At first, I
took it 3 times a day. It worked. By the next visit (I think it was about
one month), my iron levels were in the normal range. Now, I take one a day
for maintenance.
— jm3218
May 6, 2005
Get thee to a hematologist and get on some IV iron. I'm about 2.5 years
post-RNY and I have had the same problems as you have had. After trying the
oral iron meds, I gave up and demanded IV iron because I was so exhausted
and the pills did not seem to be helping. I was prescribed Ferrlicit, which
is IV iron given once a week for 8 weeks. It takes about an hour for each
infusion and there is a low risk of side effects. There is another form of
IV iron that I think is called Dextran that replaces all of your iron
stores at once. However, Dextran has a larger risk of allergic reaction (I
think 10% of patients have the reaction). After 4 infusions of Ferrlicit in
January, my ferritin level went from 5 to 37 and that lasted until this
month, when I was back to 7. It's not the most convenient way to deal with
the problem but it's something.
— lizinPA
May 6, 2005
My levels were at a 3 as well. My doctor said is was any wonder I was still
functioning. I barely was. I have had 4 rounds of iron Iv's over the past 3
months. My levels are now normal. Those Iv's saved my butt. I was too low
for a iron shot. This was the only option for me. My anemia was complicated
by the fact that I had a perpetual period for the past 6 months which is
now under control. The doctor put me on liquid iron which I take a tsp
everyday to see if that will help keep my levels normal or at least not
fall so low. Don't know just yet if the liq iron will work for me or not.
But I'm giving it a try...I know exactly how you feel. I've been there to.
I was trying to work two jobs, date, and raise my son on my own. Something
had to give. I had no energy for anything, nearly passing out a couple
times, I felt so spacy and disconnected. I hope you get the Iv's soon. It
helped me and was a piece of cake...I slept through all my iv treatments,
cause the premeds make ya sleepy....excellent nap time..while your body
gets what it needs...Good Luck to you...
— Jillisa R.
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