
Hello, I had a lower body lift about 8 weeks ago and I'm thrilled with the results but I was wondering, how flat is your tummy? My muscles were tightened, but it's seems like they still stick out, my belly is flat, but it doesn't curve inward like I thought it would if the muscles were tightened. I know he did a wonderful job because there's no fat there, it's just skin but then why does it still stick out a little. Do I have to work my abs to pull them in tight for that curved in look?? I'm not complaining I'm really just curious, THANKS!!!!    — Kelly* P. (posted on April 20, 2005)

April 20, 2005
I would say you probably still have some swelling. As for having a perfectly flat belly, that may never happen, I have a friend who had a tt with muscle tightening 2 years ago and her tummy is not totally flat. It is slightly rounded, but very tight. I would also assume you would need to work on your abs to obtain a flatter belly.
   — bubbleboo K.

April 20, 2005
I understand your concern, but a rounded belly is the natural human shape. A concave is model type...underweight.. Best of luck to you. MaryLyn
   — Kriola

April 20, 2005
Dear Kelly, I had a tummy tuck almost 2 years post-op. I am thrilled with the results. I don't however think I can say that my abdomen is inward. How do your pants fit? I went down a size. I want to say that I have lost track of you and want to know any new contact information you may have. Carla
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 20, 2005
I am thinking this is the natural curve of your body. I know in magazines it is concave, but in the classic paintings of real women it is convex... don't forget this! I must tell you of a young woman that I know, she is only 17 and has a figure you and I would die for... she feels she is fat because her belly faces out instead of in. It is just her natural curve, there is hardly any fat on her body. I think it is beautiful, but I am not her. I know how we are our own worst critics... so maybe you should just be happy that you were able to have surgery to remove that skin... sometimes post-ops have to live with it for the rest of their lives. Just be happy with what you have... the grass really isn't greener! I would bet 50 bucks that you look wonderful without even seeing you, maybe it is time you believe it!
   — septembergirl73

April 20, 2005
Mine is flat, but definitely does not curve inward.
   — mom2jtx3

April 20, 2005
I too had this same question when I had my belt lipectomy/tummy tuck! My stomach was never flat either afterwards, but had no fat on it. it was just skin, but my tummy curved out a bit. I think it's just the way some of us are made! I am one year post-op tummy tuck, and it's still the same. But I am so much happier with it than before!
   — raye

April 21, 2005
I had the LBL in Sept 2004. Initially my belly was very flat and tight, it looked "surgically enhanced" Now tho the skin has relaxed and it does have a little curve to it. To me that is what makes it look normal. I do work out, 4-5 times a week for a minimum 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours a day. (I have to stop for a few weeks due to more plastic surgery) I have done literally thousands of ab crunches, and have nice muscles but since I am not bone thin they don't have the definition they could have if I lost 20 more pounds. I am a size 8 and thrilled and don't care to be bone thin. I just had my thigh lift and am retaining a ton of fliud, at least 10 pounds worth to be exact. my legs are so swollen, I didn't want to depress myself by measuring them for your other question, LOL the bottom line is, anything that you really want to maintain you are going to have to work for and exercise it. the surgery is a great jump start but the rest is up to you. I am looking forward to being well enough healed from this round of PS to get back to working out, but I am going to have to cut way back initially and gradually get back to where I was.
   — **willow**

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