What are the symptoms of a diseased gall bladder?

   — csanchez1111 (posted on April 3, 2005)

April 3, 2005
The symptoms of a diseased gallbladder are 1. PAIN!!! Severe pain that won't go away even with pain meds 2. Nausea and Vomiting maybe even diarrhea after a fatty meal 3. If you have severe back pain on the lower right side you could also have a stopped up bile duct. Your doctor should be able to prescribe pills for the protection of your gallbladder
   — jorene1675

April 3, 2005
My pain, and yes it was severe, felt like a girdle of pain that started right under my ribs and wrapped around my back./ I could barely breathe. Funny thing though, I read something about this type of pain being related to gall bladder problems on this board and e-mailed my surgeon. He suggested an ultrasound to help diagnose it. @ month later I had it removed. I was 16 months post-op at the time of my surgery, and had taken actigall for the first 6 months. I just can't remember the reason for the frequent gall bladder difficulty of post-ops, but I was somehow not shocked that it happened to me. By the way,considering all the surgeeries I have had, the gall bladdder was the quickest and easiest recovery.
   — Fixnmyself

April 3, 2005
I think that is more common for the obese population to have their gallbladder removed at some point, with or without WLS. The damage had been done before we lose the weight; mine needed to come out before WLS, and even thought I did the Actigall regimine post-op, the gallbladder still had to come out 1 year post-op WLS.
   — kultgirl

April 4, 2005

   — RebeccaP

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