When you can't get an answer or help - Low B12

I wrote several weeks ago about low B12. Mine is 183 as of Feb. 14, could be lower by now. I've checked with my pcp and my WLS Surgeon and they both said that if it's within normal range than I'm ok. I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone what is considered "normal" for a Gastric Bypass patient. I know it's low or I wouldn't feel so bad. Don't want to wait until I have problems that can't be straighten out. I'm so frustrated and really not sure what to do. You can only go so far and if the doctors are saying my level is ok then I feel like I've reached a dead end. I know no one can give medical advice - guess I just needed to vent my frustration here. Thanks - Lisa in Alabama    — lisab07 (posted on March 15, 2005)

March 15, 2005
That is very low! the "normal" is 200 to 1200. I feel my best when mine is 600 - 800. Are you iron anemic also? If so you could have pernicious anemia. And that means if you don't have enough absorption of B-12 then that inhibits your body to absorb iron as well. You need intrinsic factor to absorb B-12 from our foods and oral supplements. With Gastric Bypass you might not have the intrinsic factor available to absorb the B-12. Its a domino affect. Email me privately and maybe I can help you. Jen [email protected]
   — jenafwife

March 15, 2005
Hi normal on my paperwork says between 211 to 911 my last check up I was 599 I would say You need to get some b 12 shots ASAP!! The damge caused by low b 12 can not be fixed and I have heard some folks have lost the use of there legs because of this I would RUN not walk to the doctor whoever you can get to give you some shots!! They are cheaper than the sublinguals anyway and I would take two a month not one till the numbers come up You can't over dose on b 12 so it can't hurt but I am not a doctor, but From everything I have heard this is what I would do. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

March 15, 2005
I use B12 tablets that you place under your tongue to disolve. I buy them at GNC (this is what my MD instructed me to do). They are inexpensive and very effective. My levels are always in the 800's. I take one 1000mcg tablet 3 times a week.
   — Sharon T.

March 15, 2005
It could be that your iron level is low if you are still feeling bad. If you are taking B-complex vitamins sublingually 1 to 3 times per week or getting one injection per month, you should be within range. Get your iron checked and see if that is what it is.
   — csanchez1111

March 15, 2005
Lisa, I have found that using a B Complex with 50 mg each made my lethargy (and depression) much better. GNC has a multi gel with 25 or 50 that is very good. And with it being a gel it disolves fast.
   — Terry C.

March 16, 2005
Lisa, ask more doctors. NOW! And do a google search.<br><br>Resection of the bowel increases the risk of vitamin B12 malabsorption. Even 7% to 10% of individuals with serum vitamin B12 levels in the 200-400pg/mL range have developed neuropsychiatric complications of vitamin B12 deficiency. Previously there was only concern when levels were below 200pg/mL.<br><br><br>At least six neurological and psychiatric papers, in top medical journals, have shown that the normal range should be regarded as at least 500-1,300 pg/ml (rather than 200-1,100)<br><br><br>Based on my findings, I would like to see a lower normal parameter of serum B12 limit of about 450 pg/ml.<br><br><br>
   — RebeccaP

March 16, 2005
Ok, I have to say more. If you can not find another doctor to go to, ask your current ones what the high end should be for B-12. Then demand shots. This is your health, not theirs. Ask them for the documentation that is showing them that 183 is normal. Ask why EVERY other documentation out there shows you in the dangerously low range. Find some sublingual B-12 if they are not cooperating.
   — RebeccaP

March 16, 2005
My B-12 went from 600 to 300 in a fairly short time. Altho I was in the "normal" range I was not content to accept that I did not need supplemetation, as I was dropping FAST. I got a liquid B- complex from GNC. I take one dropper daily. My B-12 went to over 700 in a short time. I will continue supplementation. I take one dropper every AM. the liquid absorbs through your mucous membranes so you will have better absorption than a pill. Sublingual is also supposed to be ok.
   — **willow**

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