How long until you were standing straight after your body lift?

Hello, I don't feel like I'll ever stand straight and be flexible again. It's only been two and a half weeks, is this still a little soon? And do you get your flexibility back? Kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 13, 2005)

March 13, 2005
I was walking up straight with in a few days. I did it outpatient and went home the same day, Surgery at 8 am and home by 4 pm. Up & down stairs the same day. walking in my yard the next day and a 1/2 mi in the am & again in the pm the day after that. I attribute to my being up and active to a fast recovery. My profile tells my LBL story.
   — **willow**

March 13, 2005
I was walking without a walker, 2 days post-op from my TT, not LBL. I was walking slightly bent over for a week or 2, but I think I as the only one who was aware. I pretty much looked like I had bad posture. It took awhile before I could truly stand perfectly erect.
   — Fixnmyself

March 13, 2005
I had a lower body lift and it was 3-3.5 weeks before I was walking straight and even then, I felt like I really had to make myself straighten up. It was about that time that flexibility began to return as well. I felt very, very stiff but, once I was able to get around more the flexibility returned. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 13, 2005
Hi Kelly, Tomorrow I will be 2 weeks out from having a Panni and hernia repair. I walk like a little old lady! I am able to strech a little but it does pull. It is getting better and better every day. My surgeon told me that I could be like this for weeks. Good luck, Jen
   — jenafwife

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