What is a low B12, mine was 183

The nurse just called and said my B12 was 183. I thought this was kinda low and would explain the extreme tireness. She said it was within normal range. Any input would be helpful.    — lisab07 (posted on February 17, 2005)

February 16, 2005
Well, it would be considered below normal by the lab my doctor uses. But my understanding is that different labs use different ranges to define what's "normal." But, if you look at the ranges they use, they're huge (for instance, anything between 200 and 800 might be normal with my lab). Yet, I felt crummy at around 200, so I began taking B-12 sublinguals, which worked for me, and which keep my B-12 quite high now (900, in fact), and since I feel good and you can't easily O.D. on B-12, I stick with that regime because it works for me, "normal" ranges be hanged.<P>I suggest you get a copy of your recent lab report *and* any previous reports, and compare the readings. If your B-12's been dropping even within the so-called "normal" range, and you now feel tired when you didn't before, and they can't find another explanation for why, then, it seems reasonable for you to try B-12 supplementation (or change what you're doing, if sublinguals aren't working maybe shots will, for example).<P>Many docs seem to wait until a person's readings fall out of the "normal" range without ever examining how that patient's own lab history has been progressing. I think that's nuts (what's the point of waiting until you are deficient to act, and what's the point of reading periodic lab tests if you don't bother to compare one with the other). Go with your gut . . . press further on this issue.
   — Suzy C.

February 16, 2005
Lisa, I just redid all my labs and the normal B12 & folate is 200-1100 (according to my lab) how is is H&H ? I have some numbness is my fingers and feet and the doctor says it can be nuropathy caused by a low b 12 level. im awaiting results now. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

February 17, 2005
My lab work says normal is 211-911. Mine was 599 I would start taking shots IMHO Yours is to low. I would question my nurse that is for sure! Best Wishes
   — Shell G

February 17, 2005
I've never seen a "norm" below 200. I started shots at 330 and THAT was too low in my opinion today. I shoot for a 900 level and usually cannot hit that target, even with 1 shot weekly. The damage from B12 is permanent, not reversible. Please seek another opinion.
   — vitalady

February 17, 2005
Thanks everyone for your response. I looked at my level 6 months ago and it was in the 500's. My doctor must not have looked back to compare. I'll call tomorrow and ask about this. I've noticed a lot of brusing lately. So this may be the answer to that also. Thanks Again!
   — lisab07

February 17, 2005
Mine has been as low as 197 and as high as 700 something. This last set of labs had it in the mid 500's. It wasn't necessary for me to go to shots to bring it up. I just increased the frequency of my sublinguals. I had started out at once a week and the labs were fine for a while but then eventually went to every other day and that has worked well for me. I just keep them at work and then I have a tendency to remember, more so than if I took them at home. Since I cannot swallow them it doesn't work to take with my other meds. I just tend to forget. So just try increasing the frequency and see what happens. Low B12 alone I don't think would make you tired. It's usually the hemoglobin and iron being low that causes that I think.
   — zoedogcbr

February 17, 2005
My doc said that 200 was bottom low. Mine was about 400 something when I last had it checked and he wanted me to give myself shots every 3 weeks instead of 4.
   — RebeccaP

February 18, 2005
You can actually contact the lab that performed the tests and ask them what the definition of normal is. My labs were done thru Quest, I think. Anyhow, I recieved a print out from them showing what my lab results were and what the normal range is. 183 is too low and would explain your exhaustion.
   — RebeccaP

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