How long after one has a tummy tuck and hernia repair can one expect to get ridl

of all the swelling and fluid buildup. I had a TT/hernia repair on the 25th of Oct. They took 12 pounds of skin but the scale only shows a 7 pound loss. I still have a hemovac drain and am getting 500 cc daily from that. Should that be subsiding. How long till I actually see the 12 pound weight loss    — beachdog (posted on October 28, 2004)

October 27, 2004
Be patient! You have a lot of extra fluid on board yet. I came home weighing more than when I went in for my abdominoplasty. (My body seems to just want to hang on to the IV fluids.) I think I had lost the 5-6 lbs that were removed that and a couple more pounds after 2-3 weeks post op.
   — koogy

October 28, 2004
It took me 2 weeks to get rid of my drain. You have extra fluids from IV's most likely also. At 6 weeks out from LBL I still have a little swelling around my middle. I have been told 6 months for maximum result. In the mean time walk, walk, walk! It helps mobilize those fluids and drink to keep on flushing your body. Try to keep your protien HIGH, I am not a shake/protein supplement person but post op plastic surgery I forced my self to supplement protein for good healing.
   — **willow**

October 28, 2004
Yes, be patient, though I know it's hard! I had 15 pounds of skin and fat removed on July 15. It took about two months for me to fully realize the weight loss on the scale, and I was wearing a binder 24/7. It really helped keep the swelling down, but since I stopped wearing one a few weeks ago, I do get swollen again by the end of the day. I saw the surgeon yesterday and he said it can take many months for all the swelling to resolve. Give it time, and take it easy.
   — Vespa R.

October 28, 2004
Probably 2-3 months. I had 19 lbs of skin removed and it took 2 months before it showed up. This is assuming you haven't eaten too much and truly gained some, which I doubt. I actually found after my LBL that I was eating more but my body was using it to heal itself. Be patient. If you are producing 500 cc's daily yet, you have a ways to go before fluid will not be an issue. I had drains for a total of 8 weeks after my LBL. I came home with 5 and they were all removed at 3 weeks. Over the next 4 weeks I had 4 drains added back in at various points. Until they were at 30 cc's or less total for the day, I could not lose them permanently. This was mainly because of the extensive undermining that was needed with the LBL and the large quantity of skin I had removed. It naturally would leave pockets for fluid to build up. <p>After my 2nd PS I only had drains for about 12 days, so that went much better. But then again it was much less extensive work being done.
   — zoedogcbr

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