Pain 6+weeks after repair.....
I had my hernia repaired on Aug 6,2004 and all went as expected. Now this many weeks out and I'm feeling pain on the left side of the incision (internally) hurts to laugh, sit certain ways, sneeze and cough etc....Altho I felt this pain in the beginning, there was a time where I had no pain at all and now it's back....has anyone had similar problems? Thanks! — Sheryl Y. (posted on October 19, 2004)
October 19, 2004
I had pains after my hernia repair. The doctor told me it was 'phantom'
pains; and I looked it up on the internet.. It took way longer for the pain
to go away (not all the time pain either.. some times there some times
not..) it finally stopped and stayed away. but from research phantom hernia
pain can stay up to a year...
— star .
October 19, 2004
I know what ya mean! Im "4" months hernia repair and tummy tuck
post-op. I seen the surgeon last week because of this pain. He seems to
think its scar tissue. We can feel two long lumps in there. He doesnt seem
to think its another hernia (Thank God!). But said if it is scar tissue, it
too will stop hurting in time.
He put me on pain meds and I have to see him back in a month.
Laughing hurts, coughing hurts, sitting certain ways hurts...I feel your
I say check with your surgeon!
— Donna A.
October 19, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty on 8/2/04, with extensive muscle repair. No pain
since about 4 weeks post op. In the last week or so, I have developed a
"spot" of pain on the right side of my abdomen. Hurst when I
cough or move certain ways, too. I was wondering if I had somehow overdone
it and caused some sort of injury. It comes and goes, so I think it is
probably one of those things. Weird, huh?
— koogy
October 20, 2004
My hernia repair kicked my butt! About 2 weeks after, I developed a seroma
(fluid and swelling) to the left of the incision and it did indeed hurt for
several weeks. I honestly think I bounced back quicker from the original
Open RNY 1 year prior to the hernia repair. I will still occassionally get
a pulling pain in that area, probably scar tissue. Keep communicating with
your surgeon. It will get better. Don't be afraid to ask for pain meds to
help control the discomfort, thats what they're for! You have to be
comfortable in order to heal properly and completely. I babied that area
for nearly 90 days after surgery, trying not to lift, pull, bend or stretch
because I was so afraid of tearing the internal stitches and/or mesh. It
finally did reside but seemed to take forever. It will get better! Open
RNY 1/03, Hernia Repair 12/03, 330/146
— chelle3081
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