Should my breasts feel hardish and numb

I am 1 week post breast reduction and it feels like my breasts are hard. I am not running a fever or anything so I don't think they are infected. They took the drains out Thursday. They don't hurt just feel hard and numb. The only pain I have is under my breasts it feels like an underwire bra cutting into the skin on the suture line. Did everyone have to weat a support or sports bra after the surgery?    — beachdog (posted on October 18, 2004)

October 18, 2004
You probably should still be wearing a sports bra. I'm 3 weeks post op and just started wearing a regular bra. There's a really great website lots of info! Good luck!
   — SJP

October 18, 2004
Hi, I will coming up on my 2year anniv this december for a breast reduction and what you describing I dealt with also..they well feel hard and numb for a while till they slowly, what you can say drop...and they will slowly also start having the feeling back...I would say give it a few months for the numbness to go away and if your not comfortable about all means talk with your explain all what you need to know and hear...I had no complications and would do it all over fact with my wls I will end up having to have some implants of some sort to put back what I have worries here though...enjoy your twins@@ WLS 5/11/04 229/151/125 BR 12/10/02 E/full C/now small B
   — por2geegurl

October 18, 2004
I am 2 1/2 months post-op from a breast reduction and my breast finally are feeling like my breast. The numbness is gone, and the hard swollen muscles are finally gone. At about 3 weeks, I was able to wear a real bra, not underwire. Give it alittle time, the ps had to push and move some tissue to get your breast done.
   — cindy

October 19, 2004
I also had a breast lift/reduction and had the hardness and definitely numbness. I'm 5 months post-op and still have some numbness in my nipples. Sometimes I feel more than other times. The hardness lasted a while but has probably been gone for 1-2 months now. They got kinda' lumpy but now they are nice and soft again.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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