My wife is having a Panni on 10/20

My Wife is having a Panni on 10/20, have a few questions, They are planning to discharge her next day,is that normal if so can some of the group give me thoughts on how you were feeling being home 24 hours after surgery, how long should a panni take (estimate), any one have Plastic Surgery with Dr. Bieniewicz from Islip NY?    — Richard C. (posted on October 11, 2004)

October 11, 2004
I had my panni done on 8/24/04. although it is different for each individual and how they respond to surgeries. I myself was uncomfortable more than anything and had minimum amounts of pain. I have read post where some people have had severe amounts of pain. I also went home the same day of my surgery. the surgery it self was about 2.5 hours. Hope this helps:)
   — Lesa Y.

October 11, 2004
I am two months postop from my abdominalplasty. I only ended up having the lower skin removed because when they pulled the skin down my upper was flat and I didn't require any muscle tightening. The surgery was just about 3 hours. Pain was very minimal and I only stayed in the hospital overnight. I wanted to go home and be in my own bed. I was tired of them waking me up every two hours to check my vital signs and IV. I was nervous about only being in the hospital one night, but when I was there I couldn't wait to go home. Everyone in my local support group has also only stayed one night in the hospital. Good luck to your wife and bring a pillow for the car ride home. It helps with the bumpy roads when held against the stomach.
   — ckreh

October 11, 2004
I went home the same day after a lower body lift and arm lift and am very glad I did . I needed my own bed, pillows and peace and quiet. My last hospital stay for an emergency hernia repair was a nightmare of no sleep, noisy roomates who wanted to keep the tv on all night and who also had noisy visitors all day. Not to mention hard bed, hard pillow and sharing a bathroom and shower with a stranger.
   — **willow**

October 11, 2004
I think she should be ok after a night in the hospital. She will be in pain, and will probably walk bent over for a few days, so be patient with her. I stayed 2 nights because my blood pressure kept dropping after I took my pain killers and then they tried to make me walk. I was pretty dizzy, so until they figured this all out, they kept me a second night. I would say that after a few nights iw as ok at home. By the way, in case your wife's surgeon doesn't suggest this, have your wife sleep with plenty of pillows behind her back, and a few under her knees. Sleeping on my back wasn't my favorite position, but this way there was no stress or stretching on my incision. I slept that way for several weeks. Best of luck to both of you. My husband was a saint when I had mine. Even better than with my rny post op.!!!
   — Fixnmyself

October 11, 2004
I was discharged the same day. Slept upright in a chair for a week (I had a henia repair at the same time). They sent me home with Vicodin, the first night was kinda scary..but it got better- Took about 2 hours in surgery for hernia and panniculectomy-
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 11, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty done at the beginning of August and spent two nights in the hospital. I was originally designated as an observation stay (less than 24 hours). I have no idea why they did that, but there is no problem if your wife needs to stay longer, as long as the surgeon feels it is necessary. I am a nurse and never want to be in the hospital any longer than necessary, but this was one time I felt I really needed to be there. I had a lot of work done on the muscles and a small hernia repaired, as well as the removal of 5-6 lbs of tissue, and I was in pretty much pain and couldn't move very much. (And I was not allowed to get out of bed until the next day! Had my head up and my knees up and had to stay that way for 24 hours. It was all I could do to shift myself side to side to give my poor butt a break!)Every surgery, and every surgeon, varies to some extent in how the post op course goes, so you may see a variety of answers. I think it will depend on how extensive your wife's surgery is. Hope it all goes well for her.It is worth it!
   — koogy

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