Having trouble w/body image after 1 yr post op and down 200lbs

I saw a poem on here once in someone's profile called "The Woman In The Mirror" but can't remember or find it again. ANyone know of it or have it? Can you e-mail it to me? COuld really use it now.    — Deborah F. (posted on October 7, 2004)

October 8, 2004

   — Evett B.

October 8, 2004
Hello: I, too, really appreciate that poem. I'm just at the beginning of my journey, but I know I'm going to need it. Have you read Frances Kuffel's "Passing for Thin"? It's a wonderful book about body image and getting used to being a "girl" and someone a "normal" size. She didn't have surgery to lose weight, but the emotional and body image issues are very relevant. Take care and congratulations on your weight loss.
   — Julia D.

October 9, 2004
It was so wierd, looking in the mirror at a stranger:( I am over 3 years out, and it took over a year after I got to goal to see me as ME. Give it time to adjust. There are as many or more mental emotional changes as physical ones. Thats why great surgeons require psych approval. To try and prepare us for the future!
   — bob-haller

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