How long is recovery, how long out of work for a breast reduction, tummy tuck

I was approved for a tummy tuck , breast reduction and hernia repair. Some people say I would be nuts have the breast and the tummy done at the same time. I was wanting to get it all over with. Has anyone had both done together and how much pain and how long was the recovery period?    — beachdog (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
I had LBL, breast lift, and inner thigh lift (pantyline incision) all done at the same time. Sometimes I think I was crazy to have it all done at once but, like you, I wanted to get it over with. I took off work for 6 weeks at which time I went back 1/2 time. I had a lot of accrued sick leave so I decided to take a good bit of time off. I could have probably gone back 1/2 time at 4.5 weeks but I'm sure glad I took the extra time. I felt really good when I went back to work. I probably could have returned full-time after a few days of 1/2 time but I went ahead and took 3 weeks 1/2 time. For me, the pain was the LBL and very little with the breasts or the thighs. But, the pain meds worked fine. It just seemed to take a long, long time to start to feel worth a darn. For me, it was 3 weeks before I really felt like I was turning the corner and then I was off and running. But, those first three weeks were hell, I'll be honest. I had no pain and almost no discomfort with WLS so having so much discomfort and stiffness from the plastics was tough. But, worth every single moment of pain and/or discomfort. I LOVE my new body. Cannot believe this is me. I highly recommend it! Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 13, 2004
I am 2 1/2 weeks post op from abdominoplasty tt with 3 hernia repair and muscle tightening. I am cut from hip to hip. I had virtually no pain, and only used my pain meds to sleep the first day home, but I've not used them since. This surgery took 3 1/2 hours, and I was scheduled for a breast reduction at the same time, because I too wanted it done and over with. But my ps felt it was in my best interest to do the breast seperate, or it would have been and 8 hour surgery having it all done at the same time, which isnt too safe being under that long. They do it all the time, but I guess I would prefer her to take her time and do a great job on my breast, than to hurry through because of my being under for so long, or risking complications. Check out the plastic surgery forum on here, there are several of us that are all around 2 to 3 weeks post op, and all are doing great. and one of the girls was using her treadmil, jogging at 1 week post op. The only pain I have experianced post op was menstral cramps. As for going back to work its up to your doc and the job you do. good luck!
   — wizz40

September 13, 2004
Is your surgeon willing to do them at the same time?? some will not.. Mine wouldnt.. the TT/hernia repair was worst than the Breast reduction; I was in the hospital 2 days with the TT; and the BR was done outpatient.. Was off work 4 weeks for the TT less than 2 for the BR. could I have done both? I suppose I would have managed...
   — star .

September 13, 2004
I had a TT, breast lift with augmentation and an upper arm lift and was back to work 1/2 days at 11 days post and back full time 18 days post op. I had pain but used my lovely percocet to keep it under control for 3 weeks. This was definitely a doable surgery. Good luck to you!
   — SMG I.

September 14, 2004
I had breast reduction/lift surgery on 8/16. I took four weeks off and am pretty tired by the end of the day. I haven't had much pain but a good deal of soreness with some hypersensitivity (sort of like how tender I was when I was breastfeeding). Good luck.
   — Deanna C.

September 15, 2004
I had a lower body lift and breast lift at the same time, and wouldn't change a thing. I could not afford two recoveries, or two surgeries for that matter. Recovery went smoothly, and was no worse than having the surgeries seperately since the pain pills took care of the discomfort.
   — mom2jtx3

September 15, 2004
Forgot to add that I was off work about two weeks, went back p/t the next week, then back to normal. Just had to take Tylenol in the afternoon at that point.
   — mom2jtx3

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