Just wanted to let everyone know who is feeling down you look great.

   — sarah C. (posted on August 25, 2004)

August 25, 2004
I know exactly how you feel-most people don't understand how wls has freed us. I am no longer the fattest person in a group of people. I feel like there is hope for me. I am free. There are so many things that "normal" sized folks take for granted; like seatbelts on airplanes, turnstyles at ball games & amusements parks, etc. Thanks for the pat on the back.271/165
   — Patricia D.

August 25, 2004
Sarah, I love the before and after photos too and literally lived on them while counting down the days until my surgery. Whenever I got scared, I would look at the thousands of others who went before me and say, I'm next! It is a totally freeing experience. Life is really life now, and not just an existence.
   — Cindy R.

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