Infection and absessed teeth

2 weeks after my surgery, I had to have a back tooth removed that absessed really bad. The doc gave me antibiotics, but now it seems that two teeth in my upper mouth are oozing puss now and the antibiotics are having no effect in clearing it up. . .I very well cant have them pulling out all my teeth, what am I going to do? I never had any problems with my teeth before the surgery and now all of a sudden, yuck mouth central. It is also affecting how I eat because I wake up gagging and throwing up because of the puss going down my throat. So that leave my tummy soar and I'm unable to eat right the rest of the day.... Any suggestions?    — Patricia D. (posted on August 18, 2004)

August 18, 2004
It is really sad that you are now having these problems. However, do not blame it on the surgery. The problems were intact before and you just did not catch it. There is no way that 2 weeks after surgery, you all of a sudden are having problems with your teeth.
   — Steffanie J.

August 18, 2004
Get to the dentist/oral surgeon or an ear nose and throat specialist. You need to have the drainage cultured so they can get you on the correct antibiotic. You may need some IV antibiotics. These infections can be serious so please don't put off calling to tell them the antibiotics you are taking aren't helping. Good luck.
   — catleth

August 19, 2004
Hi, I am 5 weeks out today. Whereas I don't have a mouth infection, I do have an abcess on the inside of my right leg. I went to my PCP and she perscribed Levaquin 500. This ia an antibiotic for bacteria in the body... which is what you have. I called my surgeon first to clear it with him. He said it was fine to take. The abcess is still there, but it is shrinking and no longer has any pain. I have been taking the drug for 3 days now. As your doc about it. Spyder
   — SpyderS

August 20, 2004
Steph - yes, way. I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. I had no problem whatsoever with my mouth. My doctor says it's because I'm not getting enough protein. . .Protein helps fight infection. Well. . .I'm calling my dentist on monday to see what they suggest. Thanks for all your answers.
   — Patricia D.

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