How long after a tummy tuck till you feel 100% also how long doe's the swelling usely

last and when did you stop wearing compression girddle.    — kathy B. (posted on May 30, 2004)

May 30, 2004
Hi it didn't take me long to feel better after the tuck. All the swelling takes a few weeks to go away but you will see a big difference in about 2 weeks. Take it slow though because you will feel better before you are anywhere near heald. i wore the girdel for about 2 week straight then just when i new i was going to be on my feet for a long time for about 2 more weeks. Good Luck and enjoy seeing you toes. :)
   — Peggy R.

May 30, 2004
I will be 5 weeks post Op this Friday from a full TT/Stomach muscles tightened as well. My PS requires wearing the long waisted girdle for no less than 6 weeks. I never wore a girdle before other than for a special occasions, such as a wedding, so I thought I would go crazy wearing this garment 24/7! Guess What? I didn't...In fact I Love wearing it for the support, until healing on outside is normal. My TT has been a piece of cake! I was cut hip to hip and have had no pain. I've been healing really well. Was walking on my 4th day....slowly but, never the less walking. Those tight stomach muscles are an eye opening experience....Let me tell you. Not painful, but mighty uncomfortable. But, has gotten so much better this week (my 4th)so, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... lol PS told me it would be 6-8 weeks before stomach muscles should be O.K. and I could return to full exercise. He will be right on, due to the fact I'm feeling so much better this week....Not as tired and little awelling. As far as the awelling....He told me I could swell for months to come. Depends on my level of exercise/activity. Eating pleanty protein and drinking much water. He calls it the healing diet! The 2 things I've been on for 15 months. I have had very little swelling from the onset. I was so flat... I couldn't believe it. I can see where there is swelling, but I'm still flat. I never went into another clothes size after surgey, just the opposite. I was wearing 4/6's and now 3-4's only. Healing within takes up to 1 year, so please rest and be patient....the great results will come!
   — Hazel S.

May 30, 2004
I did not feel back to mostly normal till about 4 weeks. However, I had a LBL that involved over 10 hours of surgery and lost almost 5 units of blood. I was transfused with 3 units. Consequently I felt like a dish rag for quite a while. Everyone would comment I had no color etc. I went back to work during week 3 but could only work for 3 hours and then I would need to lay down and let the swelling subside. I then could go back to work after a couple of hours rest and sleep. I did not get back to working 8 hours straight till week 5. <p>Because I am cut 360 degrees the tinyest bit of swelling was very uncomfortable. Even now if I gain a few lbs or just retain some water I feel it. I am almost 3-1/2 months PO. I also had some muscle tightening but it was fairly minor in the scheme of things, as I had never had a child and they were not that stretched out. I assumed my abs would hurt just terrible but I really did not feel any muscle pain. My pain was 99% from the skin being so tight. My surgeon said it would take till 3 months before I would know what size I would be and he was right. It took that long for everything to suck down tight. I'm headed into phase 2 of my abdominoplasty next Monday the 7th. I will also have extensive lipo done on the legs in preparation for the skin removal in Nov. The lipo I had done with my LBL on the outer thighs was very sore fore a long time. It was at least 4 weeks before I did not feel tender on the legs. <p>I wore a compression garment that went from my calves to just under my breasts. It had zippers on both sides to allow me to get in and out easy. I was given the garment at about 10 days PO and wore it religiously for at least 4-5 weeks. Then I would start to vary it's use depending on how I felt. If I felt any swelling then on it went. I did sleep in at night till about 7-8 weeks PO because it just felt good at the end of the day.
   — zoedogcbr

May 30, 2004
the longer you wear the girdle the better my dr recomended 2 months at 24hrs and at least 12hr a day until 6 months. that helps with the swelling and keeps you tight. believe or not you will want to wear it after a while.i dreded it at first. but once the swelling went down it was alot easier,all the best.tracey
   — traceybubbles

May 30, 2004
i had a tt and inner thigh lift. at 4 weeks i started to feel much better, but at 6 weeks i felt normal. i'm 3 months post-op and still wear a compression garment to sleep in. if i am doing alot of activity or workingout i wear it for support. i still swell if i go without it for too long (2 days). for me it's better to wear it than get swollen. i still have some numbness in my stomach and inner thighs. the compression garment not only helps with the swelling but helps the tissues "stick" back together so you dont' get a droopy look.
   — franbvan

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