We may change our ins co and I have already been approved for a tummy tuck.

I have waited so long for this surgery and I'm not sure what to do. My surgeon won't be able to do the surgery until the end of August and our current ins policy expires at the end of July. We may or may not have the same policy. The doctors office is not willing to help out...They said...let us know your new ins info and we will try again to get approval...Is that crap or what....Bottom line is if i don't want any complications I need to have this surgery before the 31st of July....Not sure what to do....ANY Suggestions. Thanks    — sarah C. (posted on May 25, 2004)

May 25, 2004
is there any other surgeons in the area that are board certified that you would go to ? its really to bad your surgeon wont help you out.espically since he would be guarenteed payment.all the best, Tracey
   — traceybubbles

May 25, 2004
Well, you could two things... 1) you can change 'surgeons'. IF you are approved you are approved for the 'procedure' NOT the surgeon, as long as the new surgeon puts in for the same thing... so IF your current surgeon doesnt or cant do it before you insurance changes... you could just change doctors.... OR (and this happened to me) I was approved for surgery thur one carrier and then ended up getting married and left that job/insurance. When I got on my husband insurance and got my new surgeon (had to move out of state) I submitted my 'approval' letter from my previous carrier with the paper work with the new surgeon and was APPROVED right away.... but since you know you are covered now and the coverage (i.e your new carrier might be more expensive etc) I would just change surgeons..!
   — star .

May 26, 2004
For sure "go with what you've got" in terms of theapproval...they are hard to get and getting harder. Not a sure thing at all if you switch INS. May need to get that second opinion from another problem switching docs as long as he is in your plan.
   — DrL

May 26, 2004
I would check for another doctor to do the surgery. Most doctors will make exceptions when they find out there's a time limit and they will try to work with you. It sounds like your doctor's office doesn't really care which would make me wonder what kind of treatment your really going to get.
   — Patty H.

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