Scale shows 5lb gain since yesterday????

Ok I'm 14 months and down 153lbs out and about two weeks ago I had my period, however I can feel myself beginning to ovulate right now and my mood swings and CRAVINGS are definitely kicking in. Now during my period I allow myself to give into my carb cravings mostly in moderation-I usually stay away from carbs and even eat the good carbs very rarely-and no matter waht i try my hardest to keep my calorie intake at about 1300 or under usually like 1250 but sometimes I know it has been higher and then I don't count-Anyways yesterday my scale said I weighed 223.5 and now it is saying 228.5-I have been drinking lots of water today and I got on the scale right after I finished drinking almost 1.5 liters of water but I went right to use the bathroom and then got on the scale and that's when i got hit with the five pounds-Could the carbs I've eaten in the past few weeks be showing up now? I did have a pretzel craving for about a week during my period as well and am having one now-Would I have gained 5 lbs since yestersay or if I gained wouldn;t it have shown up by now-I don;t feel like I gained weight I actually feel like I was at the right weight yesterday-Whatis going on-Is it my obsession with the scale that is driving me crazy-I get on the scale several times a day? trying to lose another 20-30 lbs-What's up the weight gain???    — TotallyTori (posted on May 12, 2004)

May 12, 2004
I personally disagree with the poster below, FOR ME hopping on the scale each morning is what helps keep me HONEST during the day- If I eat what I am not supposed to- IT SHOWS UP ON THE SCALE- Maybe getting on the scale several times a day is not good (but I understand because sometimes I do that too) But so long as juggling a few pounds isn't going to drive you nutts, I think checking your weight each morning is a good idea- sometime in the chat room I will hear someone say something like "I got on the scale, and was shocked to see I had gained 15 pounds" well I personally don't want that to happen, I am not trying to lose anymore weight- but I don't want to gain any either- Just KNOW, the scale IS going to fluctuate a little, so don't become a slave to it :) Congrats on the WL !
   — WABBIT F.

May 12, 2004
For me personally, I always gain 5-6 pounds when I ovulate. It's just water retention and it usually takes a few days for it to flush out. I also have the carb cravings at that time and I try to stay with triscuits - just a couple here and there, not a whole box. They satisfy the crunchy/salty craving and they're healthier than a lot of other things I could be eating. I also weigh every day, but I don't let it bother me. Like the previous poster said, I feel it keeps me honest. If my one time a month to weigh hit at ovulation time and I seen a 6 pound gain from the previous month, I'd be depressed. By weighing every day, I've figured out when the scale will go up/down in my cycle so it doesn't bother me. Just relax and try to limit your weighing to once a day, in the morning. That will be a more true reflection of what's going on. Good Luck
   — Carolyn M.

May 12, 2004
I agree ' ditch the scale ' The scale doesnt keep you 'honest' its FEEDS your emotions... You are going to be good/or bad with your eating no matter what. How many times have you been 'good' felt good and then jumped on the scales and instantly felt BAD cause the scale did 'do or say what you WANTED it to... Can you gain over night yes! You can eat something last week and it NOT show up until next 'week' remember your old WW days... Since your fighting the last 20-30 something structured like WW might be the thing.. You have accountability and the scale but NOT in your home. Good luck..
   — star .

May 13, 2004
I'm with Wabbit! I am 19 months out and still get on the scale every single morning and graph my weight. Weigh only once a day, at the same time. It does keep me honest. Forget salty foods - carbs make me hold water like nobody's business. Also you had a liter and a half of water before you got on the scale. That's where most of that 5 lbs came from, even if you went to the bathroom before you got on the scale.
   — koogy

May 13, 2004
Simply put- Yes. It is your obsession witht he scale that is driving you crazy. LET IT GO. Why in the world do you need to know what you weigh every single minute of the day? It's kind of a reverse obsessive behavior...hmmm, we could probably do some talking and analyzing about that...but I digress. It's certainly possible to retain 5 or more pounds of water weight in a day or a few days time. Especially around the time of your period. Now- STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE, AND NO ONE HAS TO GET HURT!!!!

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