I am 5 months post op and losing hair!!

i am losing a handfull of hair each time i brush and 2 handfulls each time i shampoo...i am SO SCARED!!!! help...will it grow back....please tell me this is TEMPORARY!!!! need some encouragement in new york linda    — lynn K. (posted on April 27, 2004)

April 27, 2004
It will grow back. Be sure to take your vitamins. Biotin also works to keep the hair loss to a minimum.
   — Sara H.

April 27, 2004
Are you taking all your protein and vitamins everyday becouse it helps stop the hairloss. But the hair that is gone will come back. don't brush your hair use a large pick until the hair stops falling out.
   — droush

April 27, 2004
Right on schedule. Normal hair loss is 4-6 months, and as long as you are well nourished (supplemented), it'll come back just fine, maybe even better than before.
   — vitalady

April 27, 2004
Relax (easier said than done, I know), like everyone says it is normal. The funny thing is we all kow that it is an expected side effect. But the first time it happens to you and you have handfuls of your own hair coming out, it is shocking. I cried, and I have a lot of hair so it wasn't even noticeable. Try not to brush/comb it too often or two hard. Use gentle shampoo. Take your vitamins (check that your vitamins contain biotin). Losing some hair for a short period of time is definitely worth it for all the weight you will lose and how your life will open up for you. Good luck!!!
   — Carole J.

April 27, 2004
Hi Linda- As everyone has said- vitamins, protein, and yes its temporary. I'll be 5 months in about 2 weeks. I started out with very very very thin baby fine hair so this was a worry for me. So far, its thinning, but I haven't had any clumps yet. Take very good care of your hair. I just started taking Biotin in addition to my B-12 shot I get every 3 months. I also just started using Nexxus Vitatress Shampoo, Leave in Treatment, and Hair spray. Its not like Rogaine but a gentle shampoo to help our scalp, hair, and metabolic process. Go to and read about it. I can tell you, its not cheap. I justified the expense since I don't spend money on food any more, I figured my hair deserved it. Also, not sure what style you have, but sometimes its better to get a short cut while all this is going on. It will all be okay. Take care! Kathy
   — Kathy *.

April 28, 2004
I understand how you feel. Everyone told me my hair would fall out and I expected it, but when it started at only 1 month out and lasted until 8 months out i was sure I was going to go bald!! But I didn't and it has really slowed down now. I tried suppliments and more protien and nothing worked... I just ended up waiting it out and now it is growing back. hang in there. It will get better.!!!
   — Tami S.

April 28, 2004
I really don't think anything will help. If it is going to happen it will anyway. Mine got really thin, it was already thin, then just stopped and came back in with more curl and a different texture.
   — Tawnda C.

April 28, 2004
I'm in the same boat, but have been here before though then the hair loss was from a medication I was taking. Biotin does help keep the loss to a minimum. I take 5000 mcg, in a tablet I get from my local pharmacy. I asked the pharmacist about it and he orders it for me. Sometimes people trying Biotin don't take enough of it and get no results. I've had no bad effects from taking so much of it at all, and my doc knows what I'm taking. Always tell your doc. I'm losing a handful or so in the shower and just a few strands with brushing my hair. The best news about it is that rate of hair loss won't make you bald before it stops in the normal course of surgical recovery. Keep the protein up and try the shampoos and the Biotin and you'll be fine. Don't let it scare you. I know that's easier said than done, I was so freaked out when it happened because of my medication. Thank God I no longer need cholesterol meds (I'm one of 2% who lose hair on those things!) I have a friend who is now 2 years post op and her hair did seem thinner a year ago, but not enough that I realized it unless we were talking about it and she pointed it out. Her hair is getting thicker all the time now and looking wonderfully healthy. It does grow back.
   — Chyrl W.

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