Has anyone had irregular periods before WLS

I have not had regular periods since I had my son 5 1/2 years ago.My doctor ran test and said everything was normal and determined it to be caused by my weight. Has anyone had this problem and became regular after WLS?    — jennifer S. (posted on April 9, 2004)

April 8, 2004
I can't help you with the after WLS question because I had a hysterectomy before I had my WLS - but I can tell you that the excess weight DOES mess with your hormones and it will make your periods irregular. I can tell you that my menopausal symptoms have gotten worse since I lost weight and my doctor told me that it was because fat produces a hormone that is very much like estrogen and that my obesity had kept me from suffering some of the hot flashes etc. I don't mind night sweats if it means I can be skinny! Good luck to you, but I can't imagine but what the WLS will improve your situation.
   — Etta M.

April 9, 2004
I am much more regular now that I was prior to wls. I used to skip months at a time. Now, I have one every month 28-30 day cycles. It's pretty cool. However it didn't help with the amount of bleeding or the pain (I have fibroid tumors in my uterus...therefore I bleed fairly heavily and have pretty severe cramping. Always have...always will). Anyway, losing the weight has help majorly for me with keeping my period coming on a regular basis. It may not work for all, but it did for me. I wish you much luck and great success.
   — Renee B.

April 9, 2004
I did not have a period for about a year and 1/2 before surgery. The only reason the docs could come up with was my weight. I am currently over 6 months post, and I have had regular periods since I was 3 months post. Good luck!! :o) ~Sarah 9/18/03 325/232.5/160
   — sibarra

April 9, 2004
Before WLS I had irregular periods, skipping months and never being able to calculate when it was coming. They were also very, very heavy,terribly painful, cramping and bloating was miserable. My Dr also told me it was due to weight. The heavier I got the less regular and more painful they became. It took me about 3-4 months post op to be regular. Now (9months out) it is exactly 28 days, minimum cramping and regular flow. It is so much better. Email me if you have any questions. Best wishes,
   — WendieS

April 9, 2004
I have had about 4 periods in two years. I am still pre op and kinda hope it doesn't get any more regular! hehe. Oh well if it does. And yes, my doc said it was due to my weight. But has anyone else noticed that they seem to care less about finding out what is wrong if they can just blame it all on the weight???? Good luck!
   — Kelly R.

April 9, 2004
Before my surgery my periods were very irregular. I would have one every 4-5 months and then sometimes when I would start it wouldnt stop, Id just keep bleeding and bleeding until I got into the doc. They could never find anything wrong, just put me on birth control pills to make it stop and then send me on my merry way. Iam a little over a year postop and even though they are still very heavy, at least they are regular now. First time Ive ever been regular on my own ever.
   — Kris T.

April 9, 2004
Yup.....I would get my period sometimes maybe once or twice a year (if that) Post op- I am like CLOCK WORK for the first time in my life-
   — WABBIT F.

April 9, 2004
I am two years post op, and only recently began to have regular cycles. I began gaining weight at about seven months post op. I found out, after a lot of testing, that I have PCOS. I was always told that my irregular cycles were because of my weight too. I met a lady at support group who weighed 500 lbs and had regular cycles, so when they say that it is just the weight, they don't want to bother with you. Here is a link with a quiz to see if you have PCOS: I hope that you don't have it but if you do, you need to know. Good luck!
   — Allison M.

April 10, 2004
I had irregular periods for about 5 years or so leading up to surgery. Gradually they got to be fewer and further between until I was having maybe one or two a year, and godawful heavy and painful ones at that. I was 468 when I rolled into the operating room. I had a period the next month and now at 7 months post op, I'm almost regular, having one every month with about a week and a half margin of error. It's getting more normal all the time. Yes, your weight can effect your periods tremendously! But it is also true that PCOS can be involved. I'd check and make sure that you're checked out for that too. Good luck!
   — christied

April 11, 2004
Mine were regularly irregular before WLS. That is how I always explained it to the doctors when they would ask. From my first period after WLS they have been every 28 days. It's been 2 and a half years now, and I can always tell the day I will start.
   — RebeccaP

April 11, 2004
I have never had regular periods since they started at day one when I was 12 yrs old. My husband I have tried to get pg for 8 years and all the test my OB/GYn had run all came back normal. They could find nothing wrong with me except maybe my weight. after WLS and down 160 lbs my periods have become regular and as of this month we are tryng to get pregnant again. I definatly think weight lose helped my periods. Good luck Jodie
   — Jodie S.

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