How bad is treatment for Hpylori on stomach?

Just Dx with Hpylori and was wondering how hard the treatment will be on my stomach. Anyone else gone through this since surgery?    — lisab07 (posted on April 8, 2004)

April 8, 2004
Hi Lisa, do not fret it's not too bad. I had h.pylori diagnosed in Oct after having had surgery in April. You will probably be placed on somthing called "Prev-Pac". The dosages are all worked out for you in blister packs. The prevacid stops the acid in your stomach (the little h pyloris love acid) and it helps your stomach to heal. The other 2 drugs are antibiotics, combined they kill the little suckers. It's ALOT of pills each day, but hang in there and take them until the end and the h.pylori will go away. Definitely finish the meds or they will come back. H.pylori causes peptic bleeding ulcers. I didn't have any stomach problems with them meds. Good luck -
   — M B.

April 8, 2004
I was in the hospital for 4 days this fall with two they were concerned would perforate. I was put on the triple therapy for it (1 acid reducer, 2 antibiotics) and I started to feel better within days. The down side to this for me has been that I have had a hard time getting off of the acid reducer ever since. For the longest time, I was having to take it every 3-4 days or I would start having sharp pains again (right in the area I had the ulcer pains). I've finally been able to go a couple weeks without it now and am hoping this is the start of getting off of it all together. Good luck to you.
   — eaamc

April 8, 2004
The treatment is two antibiotics twice a day for 14 days. That is the only bad thing and the pills a huge.
   — Steffanie J.

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