
Hi, I went to my doctor and she gave me samples of the Wellbutrin XL but now I'm reading all different opinions on this. There are 3 different kinds. Has any one had luck with the XL or should I ask her to change my script? I'm all confused and how long does it take to kick in? Thanks, kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on April 2, 2004)

April 2, 2004
   — MARSHA D.

April 2, 2004
Sometimes you just have to try the different forms to see what works best for you. My husband (who has had RNY) was started on Wellbutrin SR 150mg once a day, then was increased to twice a day. He started having some side effects, so the doctor changed him to Wellbutrin XL 150mg daily. It works fine for him and no side effects.
   — koogy

April 2, 2004
Due to possible malabsorption, I switched from 150 mg XL once a day to 75 mg twice a day. Everything has been fine.
   — Patti S.

April 2, 2004
I couldn't take the XL - it didn't work for me. So, I went to the straight Wellbutrin. 100mg three times per day. Works great - no side effects that I can tell.
   — Mary W.

April 2, 2004
I take Wellbutrin SR 150mg 2x a day and it works great.
   — Cathy G.

April 2, 2004
The XL is time released and after surgery we are no longer supposed to take these. The reason is it won;t stay in our tummy long enough to be time released. The Wellbutrin SR would be the way to go. Good Luck! Tiff
   — Tiffany B.

April 2, 2004
Just an FYI - SR is sustained release, XL is extended release. Many times with these forms of medication, the drug is being absorbed in the gut, not in the stomach. They are intended to break down slowly. I really think what you can tolerate may have something to do with how much intestine was bypassed, if you had RNY.
   — koogy

April 2, 2004
Pre Op I was taking Welbutrin SR 150mg twice a day. As a post op my depression got even more dangerous than before. Finally I had to take Welbutrin 100mg twice a day. SR is TIME RELEASE.... the other is'nt. I don't know what the XL is but I'm betting it is also time release. With the exception of a time release anti biotic (Zpac?) I can NOT take any time release anything since wls. Not even time release potassium. Time release just doe'snt work for "most of us" anymore.
   — Danmark

April 2, 2004
Kelly, I was taking the SR before surgery and didn't even think about it being slow release, but noticed that I was feeling more jittery and short tempered. Went to my family doctor who had prescribed the SR and told him that I didn't think it was working. So he put me on the regular Wellbutrin. So even tho I have to take it 3 times a day, I find that it works better. Lots of luck.
   — lharbison

April 2, 2004
Hi there, I have taken Wellbutrin SR and XL. Yes, the SR is absorbed faster and the XL is a longer sustained extended release. I responed to the SR, but with the XL I fell farther into depression than I have in YEARS. Of course, this is my personal experience. You have to find what works for you and unfortunately it can take trial and error. - It also depends on if you took any other medications for Depression? Anxiety? in the past and were they effective? Wellbutrin deals with a different chemical than say Prozac or Zoloft which help boost production of seratonin. I previously did respond to Prosac, but had to up the dosage every nine months to keep it effective. Just as food for thought, I finally decided that me and my PCP weren't doing a good enough job figuring out my medication, so I went to a psychiatrist for medical management. I was very pleased with the result. He suggested putting me on Lexapro which addresses the low seratonin very effectively. It has 90% active ingredients and only 10% inactive, this cuts down on side effects and makes the drug much more focused and effective in a shorter period of time. Other SSRI's are more like 50% active ingredient and 50% inactive (which produces more side effects and takes the medication longer to have effect) Hope I haven't confused you. You can definately research all this on the internet, talk to your PCP or I recommend even talking to a psychiatrist. I know I didn't completely want to, just because the word psychiatrist can conjure up all kinds of stereotypes, but really, they are speciallists in their field and you can go to them strickly for medical management - you don't have to counsel with them. Feel free to contact me if you need any encouragement. I know how tough it can be, but don't give up. There is relief out there for you!!! God bless. Athena
   — minerva

April 2, 2004
I switched from the SR to the XL a few months ago. I don't think the XL works as well for me and will probably be switching back to the SR at my next appt in 3 months. My dr. doesn't want to put me on the "regular" wellbutrin as I took it many, many years ago and couldn't sleep.
   — missesrita

April 2, 2004
I don't do SR or any other form of timed release. Too iffy. There is an IR (immediate release) or just known as a regular tablet. Then *I* am the timed release mechanism. We should not ever crush or open any SR types (ask your pharmacist why), so whenever possible, I just get the plain version.
   — vitalady

April 2, 2004
the wellbutrin XL works great for me. I took Sr preop, then decided to take my elf off it, and about a year post op decided yes, I really do neeed it. doc prescribed the XL and it works as well as preop. I think with different amounts bypassed that we may have different levels of malabsorption.
   — **willow**

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