Anyone been succesful after surgery and still on Paxil?

I am dependent on paxil, if I forget to take it a couple days in a row I feel very sick, I still have panic attacks, I don't feel its made me put on the weight but if it has will I fail at losing the weight and if so should I stop take Depo-provera as that also can put on some weight. Can I take paxil while in the hospital? help    — Kateriee (posted on March 30, 2004)

March 30, 2004
I've been on Paxil for years (for garden variety depression), 40 mg day. I'm 10 months out from lap rny and I'm down 102 pounds. So, gal, yes you can do it!
   — lorien

March 30, 2004
I've been on imipramine for panic attacks for years. I was able to take it in the hospital - they just cut the pills up small and put it in some sugar free pudding or applesauce. Imipramine is notorious for weight gain, but it hasn't seem to hinder my weight loss - I've lost slowly, but steadily - 60 lbs in 3/5 months - and I started out at #233. I know it's really scary to think that you may have to be off your meds and the panic attacks may overwhelm you. From my experience you should be fine. Talk your concerns over with your doctor beforehand and you'll feel better.
   — mriley

March 30, 2004
I'm on depo and I don't feel lik it's hindered my weight loss. Good luck to you!
   — Catherine A.

March 30, 2004
I've been on paxil (1) 10mg at bedtime for 3 years, I'm 15 months out...lost 130lbs need to lose more and its slowing down. Very pleased with my results and paxil --have my panic attacks under control. Best wishes --you will do fine.
   — debmi

March 31, 2004
I take 20 mg of Paxil daily for anxiety attacks. I didn't take any in the hospital after my surgery, then started taking them a couple of days after I went home. I am 8 months post op and have lost 144 lbs, I don't think Paxil has hindered my weight loss.
   — Lois B.

March 31, 2004
I take Paxil also. I have been trying to get off of it for months and am down to 5 mg every other day. Like you, if I go too long without taking it I get very disoriented and dizzy and feel sick. I think Paxil caused me to gain some weight when I first started taking it but my weight loss has been good since WLS and has not hindered it. I didn't take it in the hospital and I was just fine. If you ever want to stop taking in just remember you have to wean yourself off it gradually and it takes time. Don't ever try to get off of it cold turkey. Good luck!
   — Michele P.

March 31, 2004
I'm one year out and down 160 lbs. I was on paxil pre-op and after about 6 months post op the doc tried to ween me thinking that since I'd lost a good deal of wieght I wouldn't need it. Well it turns out I did still need it and I am still taking it. If anything I feel less hungry on the paxil. If your going to gaim weight I would say the birth control is going to put it on you before the paxil. Good luck. Write if you need too. Jodie
   — Jodie S.

March 31, 2004
Everyone is different in the way they handle medications, especially antidepressants. I was on Paxil for years for Panic Attacks (I know how that is!) I didn't do well on Paxil after surgery so was switched to Celexa 40 mg. The Panic Attacks are now rare and I'm 11 months out. I also had a hard time losing and my Dr. and I both felt it was the Paxil. Changing was the best for me. Hugs!
   — Barbara S.

April 1, 2004
i have been taking paxil for yrs. I am almost 23 months post op and consider myself a success on this journey. i was 302 pre op and i am now at 125lbs. kristi ky
   — tinalivesay

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