
Help, I'm so crabby all the time. The littlest things blow me up. I didn't like the sauce on my cheese steak, (no roll) so I got furious inside to the point of crying. My mom said she would drop some soup off for me and when I got home and it wasn't there, I again had all this rage in me and started crying. I can't stand my husband, my kids, my dog and even my cats. I don't know where all this intense anger is coming from. I've lost 118 pounds (12 more to goal, but on a plateau for 6 weeks) and I should be on cloud 9, but I'm not. Is this hormonal, should I go on medication? Thanks for any help. KellY*    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 29, 2004)

March 29, 2004
My doctor told me once that fat cells also store hormones and even medications to some extent. He told me that as I lost weight to expect mood swings (sometimes severe) because as I lost weight, these things would be released back into my body. I don't mean that to discount your emotions, you still need to monitor yourself and check with your doctor if it doesn't level out or if it becomes too difficult to handle on your own. I hope it works out for you. Such a great weight loss should only be cause for celebration.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 29, 2004
Oh Kelly, you are not alone, I put myself in counseling because of the anger..................
   — Kriola

March 29, 2004
I was having the same problem and my Dr put me back on Welbutrin SR 150mg 2x aday and it has worked wonders.Check w/your PCP maybe this would be an option for you.
   — Cathy G.

March 29, 2004
Everything in your whole life is changing right before your eyes. Many of us "stuffed" our anger down with food and that crutch is gone. Now we have to deal with our emotions. Someone said to me that they always think if they could just lose the weight that their life will be perfect. NOT TRUE! when you lose weight you are thinner, healthier, but life is still there throwing the curve balls. I am personally finding many new issues as I lose weight that I did not expect. Body image issues, self esteem issues, etc. Good luck God help you ! and the Wellbutrin helps a LOT!
   — **willow**

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