Rude Surgeon Comment Poster w/ another question

To All Who Responded previously Thank You-The retarted comment was made by the surgeon to me about how I would look as a B cup. But , anyways my question is whether or not you would see another surgeon at the same practice. I spoke with one of the other practicing surgeons there this afternoon and voiced my concerns, he was very apologetic-naturally, and seemed very nice to me-I set uo my appt with him because he does not work on the same day as the rude doctor-I am just wondering if anyone see another surgeon at the same practice or would you just go someplace all together different -they seem to be a very reputable practice. I have made other appts with 2 surgeons one next week and one in May with a female doctor that seems promising? If I am going to still being seeing other surgeons do I ask that they not send anything off to the insurance companies until I have made a decision on which surgeon I want to do the procedure-and how do I phrase it to each doctor? Do I just tell them I am still interviewing other surgeons at the moment???    — TotallyTori (posted on March 12, 2004)

March 12, 2004
Hi Hon, <br> I'm sorry you had a bad experience with your doctor. By all means, see the other doctor in the same practice. They simply practice in the same office; they are totally different surgeons.<br> As for what to tell them: Simply tell the surgeon that you need to think it over, that you'll make another appointment when you're ready for surgery. You are paying these guys, and it's up to you whether or not to hire them to do your work. You owe them no explaination for your decisions.<br> I'm a nurse. I always tell people that they should think of their doctor just as they do their car mechanic. You hire a mechanic to take care of your car. If you don't like him, his work, or his ethics, you do not patronize his business. Likewise, you hire doctors to take care of your body. If you don't like the doctor, his work, or his ethics, don't use him! <br> I don't know a lot about plastics because I have not dealt with this field. But I do know that darker skinned people have different issues with skin and healing. Please find a surgeon who is well versed in this area. I know you would hate to have surgery, just to be left with keloids, ugly scars, etc. Question each surgeon about his experience with your skin type. Never be afraid to question a doctor. If he doesn't like it, he's not the doctor you need. It's YOUR body and YOUR money. You deserve the best care possible.<br> Good luck and big HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.<br> Linda
   — Linda S.

March 12, 2004
Victoria-- If you feel comfortable in the same practice, I would stay with the same practice but definitely get a different doctor. In fact, until you find a doctor that you "click" with, I would keep on looking. I don't think the docs actually submit info to insurance until you are sure you want to have them do the procedure. And I would phrase it to them exacxtly the way you did-- "Don't contact the insurance company until I have made up my mind." And I think it's perfectly fine to let them know that you are interviewing other surgeons-- after all, this is major surgery! BTW, I had a breast reduction when I was 22, had the anchor cut and only lost some sensation in the lower part of my breasts (weird, huh?). Ask every surgeon you see, to show you pictures of their work and if you don't like what you see, go to someone else. Good luck!!
   — lizinPA

March 12, 2004
Yes, they are different surgeons. However, when you use one doctor in a practice, my experience you are "involved" with the entire practice. Do you know how their on-call coverage works? Will this rude doctor be seeing you on rounds or in emergency situations? You will also be dealing with the same staff, and they may feel negative toward you if they are aware of WHY you switched docs. I don't think I would want the potential of having to see him after you switched or didn't use him (egos, you know?). I would have to lean toward changing practices if you find someone you are comfortable with. Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 12, 2004
As one of the others mentioned, you might have to eal with the surgeon you don't like if he is covering or doing rounds while you are in the hospital. Otherwise, I don't see any reason for not trying another one within the same group.
   — Fixnmyself

March 13, 2004
I think you should go to see other surgeons, including the other one at the rude doctor's office. The more you see, the more opinions you get and you can see if you get along well with the doctor. The surgeon is going to make a dramatic impact on your body and your life and you want to make sure they are compatable with you and want YOU want. Good Luck!
   — Julie Rich

March 19, 2004
hi, i know how you feel i had a simaliar problem with my pcp i just didn't like her attiatude, i ask to see another dr in the same office and was able to. when asked why i just told the truth that i just didn't click with the other dr and felt that it was best that i see someone else. they were all very nice about it and things have been great. good luck hope you find someone that you are comfortable with.
   — Peggy R.

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