Is exercising everyday 2 much? I heard u are supposed to let ur

body rest? I did 4 miles on Monday and 45 min Ultimate Taebo Upper Body tape yesterday. my back, neck and arms are really sore today but I wanted to do my 4 mile walk away the pounds tape today-Am I pushing it?    — TotallyTori (posted on February 25, 2004)

February 25, 2004
If you do weight training I've heard that you shouldn't work the same muscle group two days in a row. If you're doing different things though I think you should be fine. Maybe ease up on the intensity of the Taebo if you're really sore.
   — mom2jtx3

February 25, 2004
It's my understanding that it's not advisalbe to exercise strenuously 7 days a week. However, you seem to be chaning it up a lot, so, if you're not hurting yourself, I'd say go ahead. However, it seems that you might be hurting yourself, based on your comments, by exercising so strenuously, or maybe due to bad form. So, take it easy, and don't hurt yourself.

February 25, 2004
You can exercise everyday if you vary. ie Yesterday I did 20 minutes treadmill, 10 on the eliptical and 30 minutes free weights. Today I did 20 treadmill, 10 on the bike, and 20 on weight machines. I vary the time and length everyday. I have a gym at my work. It is only open M-F so I try to go every day to get in the 5 hours a week recommended by my nutritionist.
   — mrsmyranow

February 25, 2004
Rest days in relation to exercise is recommended for people who are involved in a strength training, weight lifting or bodybuilding program. If you're not running marathons or lifting weights, i'd say that exercising every day is just fine; in fact, it's wonderful! More power to you! Personally, I go to the gym at least five times a week now (sometimes twice a day to take my daughter), and do both cardio and weight lifting. I work my upper body on Monday and Thursday, and my lower body Tuesday and Friday. On those days, I also work out on the elliptical trainer (aerobic) for 30 minutes, and then may also swim laps for 15 minutes. On Wednesdays I work out on the elliptical for 45 minutes, and I also play volleyball with a women's league on Wednesdays. If I happen to take my daughter to the YMCA on Saturday or Sunday, I will also work out on the elliptical. Soreness when you begin working muscles you hadn't use before is to be expected, and is a sign that your body is rebuilding muscle tissue - a good thing! Walking when you're sore is definitely not pushing it. Keep up the good work, and keep up the exercise. My energy has increased in leaps and bounds since starting an intensive exercise program. Good luck to you!
   — sweetmana

February 25, 2004
I actually joined a gym today and asked the trainer how much should I do now that the weight is gone and now im looking for tone and muscle shaping and he said everyone can tolerate it different, but cardio I can do whenever I want(everyday if I choose) and the weights should be every other day. I know everyone says different things though. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

February 25, 2004
That's a LOT of exercise!! If you hurt, you probably overdid it. Maybe take a day off and let your body heal. I try and walk 2.5 miles about 3 days a week to maintain my weight loss. When I was trying to lose weight, I worked out 5 days a week.
   — Patty H.

February 26, 2004
Cardio everyday is just WONDERFUL!!!! If you are doing weight training exercises you need to give those muscles 24 to 48 hours to rebuild. Sounds like you are really trying to vary your routine and that is really FAB!!! Give your upper body a rest for a day after that Taebo's building muscle that you haven't probably used for awhile. I'm a water x instructor and personal trainer at my local Y..I also teach swim lessons, arthritis water classes and functional fitness land classes...I teach about 7 HIGH intensity and 6 lower intensity classes a week and lift weights 3 times a I think you will be fine!!!! You really are doing GREAT!!! BIG HUGS and keep up the good work!!!
   — Deanna_K

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