Read posts on migraines...anything new out there?

Hi Amos friends, I've just finished reading through a search on "migraine" and I'm still stumped. I'm 22 months post-op and my migraines have only gotten worse, much worse. I've tried every drug they have, even the newest ones, like Relpax. I've tried Topomax (made me close to clinically insane), Midran, Imitrex, Axert, Frova, Cafegerot (sp?), steriods, trigger point injections, psyc counselling (going on 4 years), fioricet, fiorinal, demerol tablets, Paxil, MigraLiev, and a host of others I can't even remember. I've had all the blood work and I'm fine (thank God), I just had an MRI and am awaiting results (although I'll bet that's okay, too), I've been to internists, three nuerologists, and a pain center. I've not touched sugar since two days before surgery, so it's also not my blood sugar (I'm careful to maintain a level blood sugar). It's not the caffiene either. The only strange symptom lately has been extremely low blood pressure. Any other ideas? I'm past desperate...what with daily migraines :( Thanks in advance!    — Jennifer G. (posted on February 23, 2004)

February 22, 2004
Have you tried Zomig? I swear by it--it never leaves my side. I looked at your profile, it doesn't say how old you are, so if your young, you won't like what I have to say next. I suffered from migraines for my whole adult life, and they only went alway after I had a hysterecomy (sp?). I went from 1 or 2 a week to 1 a month. If everything is ok with your MRI, talk to you PCP and see if your hormones are all in order. THere is a big relationship between hormones and migraines. Good luck, I know how you feel.
   — barbara A.

February 22, 2004
My neuro, who's also a headache specialist, recommends 400 mg Vitamin B2 per day, as preventive measure. </p> It has lessened the severity and frequency of my DH's headaches. </p> Doc also says that many migraines are actually sinus headaches . . . does cold medication help yours? Try it . . .
   — RWH G.

February 23, 2004
It could be a lack of caffine if you were use to it before surgery. I am trying like crazy to reduce mine consumption of it prior to my surgery next week. I have had somee head splitting migranes in the past when I went two or three days without caffine. I'll definitely keep up with updates on this area because I already have headaches all the time...I don't know what I could do it it got worse. Also...I too found out that a lot of mine were sinus related.
   — Peggy T.

February 23, 2004
I was having terrible headaches 5-6 months post-op and the problem ended up being so simple I was embarassed. I live in the desert and I simply wasn't drinking enough water. I was dehydrated. also not enough water could contribute to low blood pressure! Hang in there!
   — Jodie S.

February 23, 2004
My daughter, (non wls) was always having migranes, she did use midrin, and she also had a ct scan of the brain (ok) and the doc orderd blood work and her magnesium was low, so I did some research on low magnesium, and it said "use of magnesium will help eliminate migranes" She got a Rx for magnesium, and now after about 2 weeks of use her levels must be comming up and she has no more headaches. Its worth a try :0) Good luck
   — wizz46

February 23, 2004
I don't know if you have tried this or not but it works great for me. My doc put me on eleville(spelling??) every night beofe bedtime. It is an anti-depressant and it took over a month to start to work but now it works great. I still use imitrex and butal/apap/caf plus with it but now they work, before they were a waste of money and time. Remember it took a while to get in my system partly I think because we mal-absorb. Also I use the nasal imitrex or the shots, again, the pills were a waste. Good luck!!
   — Sharon1964

February 23, 2004
Hi Jennifer. I'm a migraine sufferer for over 15 years now, and thank god they've actually gotten a touch better since surgery 11 months ago. I, too, never go ANYWHERE without my Zomig - it's a lifesaver. I'm sure by now in your research you've learned the difference between regular headaches (caused by the constriction of the blood vessels) and migraines, caused by blood vessels getting too big. So stay away, far away, from any over the counter pain relievers, as they are meant to work to make constricted blood vessels larger and cause more pain to the migraine victim. Caffiene is a constrictor, and can help relieve migraines, and is in fact a common ingredient in over the counter migraine meds. It's never really worked for me, but I know alot of people swear by it. The different vitamins previous posters have listed are supposed to be helpful, too. It's certainly hard for you, as you've seen a variety of different doctors and tried just about everything....have you seen a chiropractor? Maybe a pinched nerve...? Good luck to you, my prayers are certainly with you!
   — vittycat

February 23, 2004
I don't know if this is absolute bunk or not, but I read an article in a medical journal saying that aspartame can cause many health problems, including severe migraine headaches. I suffered from severe headaches that sometimes lasted as long as 3 or 4 days before surgery and tried cessation of aspartame. It didn't alleviate my headaches, but it did break my lifelong addiction to Diet Coke. Ha! Amazingly my headaches have completely abated since surgery. What I read recently is that, like a previous poster said, migraine headaches can be caused by a lack of Magnesium and by a lack of B12 (may be B2, not sure). Perhaps that is why mine have stopped--I was terrible about taking vitamins and eating healthy foods prior to surgery. Now I'm very good about it. I also have a friend whose mother swears by an odd treatment for her migraines. She says that if she drinks a bottle of beer the instant she feels one coming on, it disappears. Again, may be absolutely ridiculously untrue, but it is curious. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Also, don't forget, those enormous headaches can't be stopped unless you take pain medication immediately upon sensing the onset. Oh, and check out the website of the National Headache Foundation, 428 West St. James Place, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60614-2750. Call (888-NHF-5552) or (312-388-6399) or ( and the American Headache Society ( Hope this helps. I'm so sorry you're suffering. I know how bad it can be! Good luck to you! XOXO Jen
   — jenpatalano

February 23, 2004
POSTER HERE: Thank you all so much for answering. I have tried Zomig - wished it worked for me, but no cigar. As for the magnesium, B-vitamins -- I am still taking the MigraLiev, which is a combo of magnesium, b-vits and feverfew. Also, thanks for the hormonal advice. I called my OBGYN to make an appt for blood work to see if I'm pre-menopausal (still young enough to bear children, have a 6 year old :), so I'll take that route. I very much appreciate your responses. They keep me thinking and moving forward through my tears. Jennifer
   — Jennifer G.

February 23, 2004
Hi, Jennifer. You have gotten a lot of good (and applicable) answers to your original post. Like so many others, I also suffer from migraines and it is NO FUN! I discovered Excederin Quick Tabs shortly after WLS. I know, it is OTC medicine which usually doesn't work. I started using them right after WLS because I was afraid of swallowing pills. The EQT dissolve and seem to go to work faster than anything else. They don't work as long, but, they do manage to take the edge off until I can get home and take "real" medicine. Just a thought. I wish you luck. My migraines faded for several months postop... then they came back with a vengence. Hopefully, we will all find some relief soon. Good luck!
   — Angela D.

February 23, 2004
I too was where you are until I finally got a prescription called Fiorinol w/caffeine (the generic is Butalbital). It has been a life saver!
   — Amy E.

February 23, 2004
My doctor prescribed atenolol 25mg at bedtime - it really took the wind out of my migraine sails!
   — Cera H.

February 23, 2004
My Doctor put me on Zomig and it worked great. I stayed on it for almost a year and we finally figured out what was causing my migraines, it was the Depo-Prevera shot(birth control), and once I got off that the migrains stopped, too bad I had to suffer a year. I hope you feel better soon!
   — Sandy M.

February 23, 2004
I take ELAVIL 50mg every night w/o fail. It does seem to help me. You just can't miss a dose. I also take MAXALT if I need too. Hope you get some relief.
   — Dixie Chick

February 23, 2004
Hi Jennifer- I am interested in your posting as I have not had WLS yet (looking into it and having all of the pre-stuff done, headaches there already!). However I have been a migraine sufferer for over 20 years, and to find that they can get worse after WLS worries me. As to a remidy, I too have taken several of the meds you mention, Imitrex, Elevil(150mg/night), paxil, cafergot, codene, psych counseling (still), had an MRI...Mine were mainly durring my cycle and ever month I could count on one. I only had them in the middle of the month sometimes, the only thing that REALLY took care of them was a visit to the ER for a shot of Demeral and bed. Now, after a hysterectomoy (complete) I only get them 3-4 times a year. I agree that sometimes sinus meds help and I have taken Extra strenth excedrine, have found that the codine might even make them worse. They have been worse since I've been researching this surgery, and my blood presure has been up, that might be a trigger. But I'm concerned after reading the other's postings that they will be worse after surgery--OH MY GOD!!! It certainly seems like you have tried lots of remidies. I hope that you find what is causing them, I did find that if I was taking OTC/or RX pain meds daily that I got Rebound headaches, yes the pain meds can accually cause you to have a headache. Good luck and I'm thinking of you, Julie
   — Julie W.

February 23, 2004
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I started getting severe migranes 6 months after my surgery. I have tried everything under the sun, maxalt worked at first but now it doesnt seem to. I dont get them as much as I used to,I take lots of natural things,Im not sure why I started getting them after I lost weight. but I hope to find something that works,I hope for you too!
   — Vel K.

February 23, 2004
Jennifer, I have suffered migraines since I was 7 and like you have tried everything. If I get a migraine I take imitrex injections, the pill and nasal spray don't work. When I was pregnate with my first child I had a constant migraine for three months, when I got pregnate with my second child and the same thing happened my new OBGYN started me on Amitriptyline. I take one 50mg tablet and have gone from having 2 to 4 headaches a week to having less than 1 per month. It has been a life saver for me. It might be worth a try. Hope you find something that works for you soon! Dana Gates
   — danagates

February 23, 2004
Hi, One thing you did not mention is the possibility of lactose intolerance. I had this for years without knowing it and had horrible "purple headaches," as I called them. Constipation also can bring on awful headaches. Hope these options help. LM
   — catly

February 23, 2004
Jennifer, I had my migraines before I had WLS. I finally went to the Houston Headache Clinic to get rid of my migraines. I was told the closer you get to 40, the worse they can get. Mine were usually hormone related and I got to where I was living my life around my migraines. I would not plan to go somewhere about the time my period would start. Then, I started having headaches midcycle too. They also told me that sometimes the sugar substitutes can trigger a migraine.
   — Janet S.

February 27, 2004
Jennifer, i too had horrible headaches/migraines. I finally went to a local chiropractor...guess what NO MORE's all about the nerves in your neck being compressed due to hormones (hormones cause your bones to relax and move ) and other stuff. I am a new person since I had this done. The drugs just cover up the pain and symptoms and dont fix the problem.. Give it a try, what do you have to lose. Good Luck, Ann
   — Ann M.

March 1, 2004
Hi jennifer: I have taken Zomig for years and it has been the only thing that has helped. Hope this works. Natalie B.
   — jibjab

March 3, 2004
Hello, My cousin has migranes around her period and during. Her doc put her on blood pressure pills that she only takes when she feels a headache coming on and she has been much much better ever since. Just an idea. She doesnt have and blood pressure problems but thats what they put her on. I dont know what kind or if there is a difference.
   — Misty H.

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