Has anyone developed low blood pressure and extreme fatigue after surgery?

Has anyone developed low blood pressure after surgery? I had normal blood pressure prior to surgery. But over the past 2 months I have had dizziness, lightheadness, low blood sugar, insomnia, and extreme fatigue. My doctor is testing me for an autoimmune disease. Has anyone developed this after surgery?    — keishax (posted on January 23, 2004)

January 23, 2004
Me! I just recently found out that my blood pressure was very very low for me, and I am about to fall asleep during the day at my job. I just thought it was me!
   — raye

January 23, 2004
I had the same symptoms--my blood pressure was normal before surgery, but then about 2 months after surgery it was running 86/55, sometimes lower. After talking to my surgeon and my PCP it was discovered that my blood pressure was low because my fluid intake was not high enough---and the low blood pressure was causing a lot of the other symptoms. Not sure if that could be the problem or not--that was just my experience.
   — NascarFan #29

January 23, 2004
Yes to the low blood pressure, extreme fatique, lightheadnes, and my arthritus is worse too. Don't know what to do for any of these problems as they don't seem to get better. But I'm not sorry I had WLS. (RNY 5-8-01).
   — Danmark

January 23, 2004
SALT! this will raise your BP. You have to replace your sodium and potassium daily, as the mega water flushes these out and we're not getting enough in food. I also use the Morton's No Salt which has 650mg of ONLY potassium. It has helped me since the beginning and I'm almost 4 yrs out.
   — ZZ S.

January 24, 2004
Hmmm. I tried salt. It did'nt raise my blood pressure at all. Nice it has helped you. :)
   — Danmark

January 24, 2004
it's not so much the salt as the potassium we need.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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