6 month dr appt.Dr. not very helpful anyone start at 263 Lbs and is a year out

I went to my 6 month appt this week i hade wls on 7-14-03 had LAP/RYN.I started at 263 have lost 80 lbs.I was wondering if any one can incourage me that my weight loss is not over.the Dr was like you might get to 100 lb loss by a year but did not seem to promising he has really put me in a slump.I have never ate sugar or fat and only complex carbs as bread or flour products.i have a protien drink in morning and protien for lunch and dinner.I have followed this to a tea.why is he so discouraging maybe he was having a bad day.thanks for listening this site has helped me so much with out the wonderful people on here we would all be lost and confused.thank you so much to all of you.have a wonderful day!!!    — patty L. (posted on January 18, 2004)

January 18, 2004
I started at 253 and at 6 months had lost 85lbs. then over the next 2 months dropped another 15 making my century mark at 8 months. I am now 10 months and down 110. Looks to me that you are right on track. Most doctors really dont want you focused on a number on the scale they just want you to feel better. Remember that a successful surgery is based on 70% of your excess weight lost. I am sure that you can lose 20 more lbs in the next 6 months. Just keep using your tool. Good luck
   — kaysjourney

January 18, 2004
I started at 265# and had my surgery on July 1. At my six month visit I had lost 79#. I hope to God I can lost another 40 over the next 6-9 months. I haven't lost a pound since my six month check up almost three weeks ago.
   — lindadougherty

January 18, 2004
I started at 265 and had lost 90 by my 6 mos check up. It will get much slower from here on out and you will have to try harder, but it does happen. Rebecca 10/013/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 18, 2004
I started at 263#. I had lap/RNY surgery on March 4, 2003. At 6 months out, I had lost 75#, and now at 10 1/2 months out, I have lost 105#. You can do it!!
   — JoAnn A.

January 18, 2004
That does seem an odd thing for him to say. There's no info on your profile, so I can't tell if you lost most of that weight in the first 3-4 months and have plateau'd or slowed down so mucn in the last 2 months that he's relying on that, or what. Bottom line: You've lost a lot of weight quickly, for a lightweight, and are doing really well with all the important changed-eating-habit stuff. I can't see why you wouldn't reach the "Century Club" within the next few months (probably will go past it by the one-year mark). Keep on doing all the good stuff you're doing ... sometimes, docs don't communicate well, or don't think of the impact of what they're saying, or they lump us together, forgetting we're individuals. Humbug. Hang in there ... you're doing great!
   — Suzy C.

January 18, 2004
Well what are your habits. I lost 91 at 6 months and the nurses there were shocked and thrilled. The Dr. says I could lose another 80 in the next 6 months, but I think it will be about 50. And who started the rumor that weight loss ends at 6 mos. It can actually get easier to lose then because with all the weight you've already lost, you can exercise 2x as much. The magic pill stops at 6 months but that's where the true journey of self improvement begins.
   — mrsmyranow

January 18, 2004
I started out at 264 and lost 85# at 6 months. My one year anniversary will be Feb. 10th and I have now lost 114#. It had slowed to about 2# a month and then I started concentrating on my high protein diet again and I lost 5 pounds in 5 days this week. Just stick to your plan and you will do fine. I think your doctor is just trying to not set you up for disappointment.
   — missysworld

January 18, 2004
I started at 263 when I had my surgery on 4-21-03. I had lost 75# at the six month mark. I have now lost 90 lbs at the 9 mo mark. I think I will pobably lose 100 lbs at my 1 year anniversary. Either way I feel great, and if I didn't lose another pound I would be happy. (But I would really like to lose another 10-20 lbs) I think you are doing great! Keep up the good work. 263/173/150ish
   — plsmom

January 19, 2004
Hey there...keep your chin up. Anything is possible if you are willing to keep working at it. I started out at 274 (5'7") and at six months had lost 96 pounds. Now, just two weeks shy of a year I am down a total of 140 pounds and still going. Don't get discouraged and don't give'll get there!
   — eaamc

January 19, 2004
Patty, don't worry. Most doctors don't want to predict a final weight loss and err on the side of caution; they want you to be aware that you have to work for the result. I started out almost 100 pounds heavier than you and had lost 101 lbs in 6 months. I lost another 62 pounds in the second six months. My monthly weight loss in those months was about the same as in months 3-6. It did slow down a lot after a year but I'm still losing albeit very slowly. The window does NOT close at 6 months, far from it. Your numbers may not match mine since I had more to lose but it's definitely possible that you could be down another 40-50 lbs at a year out.
   — sandsonik

February 19, 2004
   — Sharon D.

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